
Hey all! It's been a while c: I figured I'd let you know that I don't really write here anymore (shocker), but instead, I do most of my writing on AO3, you can find me under BelovasArcher. I hope to see you there! <3


Just a quick one my dudes! It's come to my attention that a lot of my followers are brutasha shippers - with that in mind, Second Chances has come to an end. The story does continue! New Beginnings is the sequel, however Nat and Bruce aren't together, and won't be together. This gives you the option to keep to the origin of the story, or join me as it continues to develop ❤️


 thanks for the story


We reached #1 in Brutasha fanfics! I just wanna say a quick thanks to everyone who takes the time to read my fics. I'm not the best writer, but its something I thoroughly enjoy and its my own personal little escape I get to share with all of you ❤ Thanks again my loves! 


I have returned, once more! I missed writing and gaining so much good feedback from everyone! After going through my emails and seeing a lot of demand that I continue some series, I shall do my best to get at least two chapters out a week, in intervals of stories :-)