
Chapter 7 has been split into 2 separate chapters due to the rewrite and expansion over the chapter in general.




Hello everyone! My apologies for my over-dragged absence, I am happy to say that I'm finally back. And I'll be continuing my works to the best of my abilities, though, I would also like to introduce to you my newest story. My first ever tale that centers around romance, with a grounded setting that will make this story my most emotional, and authentic work yet! I hope you enjoy it^^ I would love to hear your feedback on it.
          I present to you, Crimson Love!
          I just published "Chapter 1 - 'By Chance'" of my story "Crimson Love".


Finally remembered my password : p But anyways, sorry for keeping silent this whole time.  Life's been busy, but me and my editor have been working on rewriting the second arc in our spare time. So sadly, the continuation of the reaper story probably won't happen for a while, but on the flip side. We are rewriting the second arc to make it even better! ^^ 


Well then, here it is ; )

          I hope you guys enjoy what I and a team of other individuals have been working on for several months. We're still at the beginning stages and are trying to produce better videos at a shorter time. But it's a start : ) and this is the next step I want to take my stories towards.


@Lolgetrektnoob69 it feels like it was just yesterday when you snuck into my wattpad dms asking me to read your book. hes a big boy now 


Finally remembered my password : D. Sorry for my silence and lack of updates guys. But I am happy to announce that a mark of a new era is happening to my life this week ; ) And I would like to share with you all exactly what I've been doing in my absence. Expect something in this coming week, I'm extremely excited! ^^


Hey dude, im a huge fan of your grim reaper story and i want to ask if you'll update the story anytime soon?


Hello @_Pluto_9 I'm glad to hear your enjoying the story so : ) I am sad to say that the story might not get a continuation any time soon. Although it may not look it due to a demanding irl job, but I am currently re-writing the second arc as I felt unhappy with the end results. But once that's finished, I do have plans to continuing from where I last left off.
            Also, I have been working on a project behind the scenes that does involve this story, as a means to provide a better experience to the newcomers and veterans alike. It will be ready in the next couple of months, but as if now, that's all I can say ; )