
Hello LoneFox99. I'm glad I got a chance to interview you and by the way, before you want your interview to be published please vote on chapter 1. Here are the questions:
          Q1 : What is your name?
          Q2 : What is your age?(this question is optional)
          Q3 : What are your hobbies?
          Q4 : Nationality
          Q5: Are you working?(If you are a student, type works as a student)
          Q6 : What is your greatest desire?
          Q7 : What is your favourite food and place?
          Q8 : How long has it been since you joined wattpad?
          Q9 : Which book of yours on wattpad can you call the greatest success?
          Q10: Tell something which annoys you.
          Waiting for your vote. I will upload your interview as the next chapter soon. Hope you give me the answers soon.


@LoneFox99 thanks for the reply. It will be published soon as chapter 3.


@LoneFox99 now that you've voted you can give me the answers to publish it as chapter 3.


            A1: Samantha "Sam" Fasshauer
            A2: 17
            A3: Writing, reading, and photography.
            A4: American
            A5: I work as a student
            A6: My greatest desire is to fulfill my dreams.
            A7: Favorite food is Mac and cheese, favorite place is the movie theater.
            A8: It has been a little over a year. I join September of last year.
            A9: My greatest Success on Wattpad would have to be The Lady in Pink.
            A10: I get annoyed when people talk while watching movies, and when I lose my train of thought while writing.


Hello LoneFox99 . I am writing a new book - How Popular Are you? The people who are interested to know popular they are will comment on Chapter 1 of the story (Hey, Hi, hello,etc.) And then I will interview them with a few questions. Are you interested? If yes comment on chapter 1 of How Popular Are you? And ur interview will be published. The more votes you get the more popular you are.


Thanks LoneFox for putting I'm a Cyborg's Pet  into your reading list. OK I guess that sounds a little weird, getting a message over such a easy thing to do , but as new authors continue to get a real sense of joy every time someone finds our work. 
           Hugs RK+Reb


@The-Scrivener No Problem The-Scrivener, I loved I'm a Cyborg's Pet and plan on continuing the series. It kept me on my toes and I couldn't stop reading.