
Hi all! I have an update. I had some trouble with the format for some reason. Which is why it took longer to post. Let me know if you guys have any trouble! 
          	Love you all and as always...
          	Write on my friends!


@LostArrow thanks for the reply. I did try updating wattpad still it's only older chapters. Nothing after the August 17, 2020 update.☹️


@LostArrow maybe see if Wattpad needs to be updated? 


@LostArrow Hi author! I absolutely adore your story and have been waiting for an update for a while now; but it seems I am not able to see the last two updates you have posted. Any ideas why? It would be much appreciated if anyone could help...


I love your story and I love the characters! 
          I can’t begin to tell you how much it’s helped me overcome a number of challenges in my life right now, just by channeling my inner Chris.
          I hope everything is alright with you because there hasn’t been an update in awhile.. and I hope you come back soon!


Hi all! I have an update. I had some trouble with the format for some reason. Which is why it took longer to post. Let me know if you guys have any trouble! 
          Love you all and as always...
          Write on my friends!


@LostArrow thanks for the reply. I did try updating wattpad still it's only older chapters. Nothing after the August 17, 2020 update.☹️


@LostArrow maybe see if Wattpad needs to be updated? 


@LostArrow Hi author! I absolutely adore your story and have been waiting for an update for a while now; but it seems I am not able to see the last two updates you have posted. Any ideas why? It would be much appreciated if anyone could help...


Hi everyone I posted the first part for Chapter 16. I am hoping to keep a schedule of posting one part each week which will give me time to write the next part. So enjoy and see you next Sunday! 
          And as always...
          Write on my friends!


So excited!!!❤️❤️❤️


@LostArrow Yessss!!❤❤


Hi everyone. I feel like apologizing is not enough to explain my absence. I have been gone for quite some time. That does not mean y'all haven't been on my mind. Trust me the story is still kicking around in my head just begging to be written down. There is a lot that has happened since I last posted. I had another baby...the pregnancy was extremely difficult to the point where she was born at 34weeks. Thankfully she is doing great but I have definitely needed time to heal from the trauma. I have had an editor working on one of the next parts. Hopefully that will be out soon. For now this is all I can promise....I will do better! Go team! And of course write on my friends.


@LostArrow congratulations ❤️


@LostArrow omg I'm so happy to hear from you. I hope hope u and your baby are ok. Still waiting anxiously...♥️♥️


@ LostArrow  Good to hear you are well. Don't worry about us, some of us have been waiting to continue your story for more than 2 years, we can wait till you are ready. Just let us know when, and we'll be here.❤️❤️❤️