
New update schedule!!!!!
          	All stories will be updated at random and when I feel like it............. but after Sunday May 21st, I will have:
          	Wednesday- Bubblegum Bitch
          	Friday- Poker Face
          	Saturday/Sunday- Anything (Update may not even come if busy)
          	also...... as I´m in school, these updates may be a little late......... things are pretty chaotic at the end of the year.....


yesssssss I´m gonna start updating again


New update schedule!!!!!
          All stories will be updated at random and when I feel like it............. but after Sunday May 21st, I will have:
          Wednesday- Bubblegum Bitch
          Friday- Poker Face
          Saturday/Sunday- Anything (Update may not even come if busy)
          also...... as I´m in school, these updates may be a little late......... things are pretty chaotic at the end of the year.....


yesssssss I´m gonna start updating again


I can't believe it! 10 years ago today, Vessel was released! I know I didn't super into TOP untl recently, but damn..... Vessel is an amazing album. I love all the songs in this album! But if I had a favorite, it would probably be Migraine because i resonate with it so much. So yeah...... 10 years went by since this amazing album dropped....... and I'm probably going to be listening to it all day to celebrate