
Hey guys, it’s been a while! I just wanted to let you know that the Argent Eye series is undergoing a serious revamp at the moment - there will be a lot of character name changes and a few different decisions in the book (although the plot will remain largely the same). I felt like some of the writing and choices and scenarios didn’t have enough clarity to them and I haven’t been happy with the books for a while now. I also REALLY want to write a book 5 but am going through some major writers block, so after some thought I came to the conclusion that in order to go forward I must first go back to the beginning. There’s no way I can be happy with Millie in book 5 if I’m not happy with her origins, yano?
          	I can’t promise a timeline either for when the new books will be complete - I want to rewrite all of them and publish together rather than do it one by one :P but the beauty of this journey is that I don’t have a timeline and I’m just doing what I love when I want to do it, with no pressures.
          	Don’t worry, the original AE books will remain on my page - I’m literally starting from scratch so if I do eventually publish the new versions, it will be as a brand new book :) of course it’s also the dream to publish one day so I just want these books to be the best that they can be!
          	Hope you all enjoy the rest of your day!


@Louisa_Miller I just binge read all your books and OMG they were sooo good❤️can't wait for the 5th to come out too


@ADamPercyJacksonFan thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed them :)


@Louisa_Miller Hi! Just wanna say, take your time! I'm really going to be excited for the revamp and the new book 5! Also I love your books <3 They're the first I've read that aren't fan fiction 


Hey guys, it’s been a while! I just wanted to let you know that the Argent Eye series is undergoing a serious revamp at the moment - there will be a lot of character name changes and a few different decisions in the book (although the plot will remain largely the same). I felt like some of the writing and choices and scenarios didn’t have enough clarity to them and I haven’t been happy with the books for a while now. I also REALLY want to write a book 5 but am going through some major writers block, so after some thought I came to the conclusion that in order to go forward I must first go back to the beginning. There’s no way I can be happy with Millie in book 5 if I’m not happy with her origins, yano?
          I can’t promise a timeline either for when the new books will be complete - I want to rewrite all of them and publish together rather than do it one by one :P but the beauty of this journey is that I don’t have a timeline and I’m just doing what I love when I want to do it, with no pressures.
          Don’t worry, the original AE books will remain on my page - I’m literally starting from scratch so if I do eventually publish the new versions, it will be as a brand new book :) of course it’s also the dream to publish one day so I just want these books to be the best that they can be!
          Hope you all enjoy the rest of your day!


@Louisa_Miller I just binge read all your books and OMG they were sooo good❤️can't wait for the 5th to come out too


@ADamPercyJacksonFan thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed them :)


@Louisa_Miller Hi! Just wanna say, take your time! I'm really going to be excited for the revamp and the new book 5! Also I love your books <3 They're the first I've read that aren't fan fiction 


I read your books back in 2021, but i just came back to say that I STILL remember your book! That’s how good it was!! You’d make a successful published author if you ever chose to publish this series or another one, and I would SO buy them lol. That’s all I wanted to say, that I enjoy your writing SO MUCH that I still think about it years later! Have a good day!


Aw thank you so much, that means a lot! Hope you have a great day too! :D