
Harry discovers relatives in America and sets out to meet them- unknowing of the dangers he's about to entangle them into


I was wondering if u are going to update water and air? It's really good, I read it in a hour! Could u also do some fanfic on the ships from wfs? Thanks


@meg71205 Thank you. I have another chapter half-way finished, but I admit, I am somewhat at a loss as to where the story goes from there.


I follow your royals story on to and I don’t know why but I alway picture Aglaia face to be like Sara Sampio


@walrus105 I'm taking one out (Royal Revenge Disasters- sorry if you liked that), and combining the other two with a new twist (quite a few actually).


Are you redoing all three 


@walrus105 Hi! Glad to know you like it. The closest I can actually imagine Aglaia to be is actually Jorgelina Airaldi from Pirates of the Caribbean- Stranger Tides, but that works too. As for the one on fanfiction, I've actually decided to redo it. Some parts- like the one on Wattpad, I'm keeping, but some things need changing.  I hope that doesn't disappoint you too much.


Hello, i was wondering if you were going to continue writing Prince's Angel. I am in love with the story!! Please update soon!


@RavensOfOld You can still find the updated new version on fanfiction


@RavensOfOld oh, I see. Thanks for informing me!


@RavensOfOld Hi! Prince's Angel is a complicated case. I think I rushed in too quickly for this one- another version is up on fanfiction on my profile: Star-Of-Radiance. I'm thinking of updating it, but I needed to sort many things out.


Hello, my friend!!
          Welcome to Wattpad! (throws confetti and waves Targaryen banners) 
          I just want to thank you for sharing your wonderful stories with us. Especially 'Prince's Angel'. I'm a fan of GoT and I particularly like House Targaryen (well... not all of its members, mind you XD)(maybe I like a particular Prince and Queen only :D ) and also the lands and customs of Dorne. I love the way you portrayed Gabrielle as Seraena. Its true that in the Harry Potter books I only remember her clearly as Fleur's sister and the young girl that Harry saves in the Triwizard Tournament. Her confidence, grace, beauty and intelligence is something that I admire about her in this story <3 <3
          Oohh, and I also like Seraena's siblings. Especially Jacaenor. If I will have a sibling, I want him/her to be as suportive and caring as Jacaenor. Her second brother, Aeramor is good, although not as close to her. Lastly, Belaegor. I honestly don't know what to think of him.... but let's just say that I'm wary of his beliefs.
          I also like her parents. They are good to her, but I can't fault Lady Saera for yearning the best for her daughter. Lord Ayrmidon is also a good father. And I respect his decision to make sure his daughter stays safe, but I can't help but feel sad that they got separated......
          Also, I love your portrayal of a young Viserys!!!! (emphasis on 'young'! XD) He's so adorable <3 <3 (that's why I can't fathom why he turned out to be such total git when he grew up) 
          Anyways, sorry for the rather long message... When I get excited I usually end up typing everything I think of. 
          *This is me, stopping myself from typing anymore words (which is not working.... hehehe)
          If you're reading this part, thank you for the time you spent in acknowledging my message!! 
          P.S. I hope you update soon, my friend!!! 
          P.P.S. I'm curious, do you have an account in FanFiction.Net? 
          Hugs, and more hugs


@LivreanTinuviel Hi! The one on Wattpad is actually the first version of Prince's Angel. As I've mentioned on fanfiction, I'm actually redoing a lot of things.  And it's okay! I get excited typing too (hehe!).
            As for Viserys... Well, it might have been the inbreeding (his parents and grandparents). But it also could be the stress, fear, and terror of his exile. Dany admitted as much. We haven't seen the last of her family in the story, and I am deciding on whether and how I should update the version on Wattpad.


          I am interested if you are planning to update A Royal Disaster.


@hope1864 Hi, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I will. I am trying to balance this with numerous things and sometimes I admit I get writer's blocks in certain stories, whereas with others I experience a strange burst of creativity. Sorry about that.