
Giving a shoutout to @fictionalcommunity5 if you want to enter your work in a contest, check out Mermaid Awards under their channel.


Hi guys, it’s a me!!!! I’ve been taking a break on writing due to my motivation right now is zero to none.  But I haven’t been shying away from Wattpad entirely.  But I did go back into doing graphic design which was my passion and what I studied for a degree for.  I’ve been shying away from it after a terrible experience with a job with which I thought I finally got my foot in the door for the design world.  Last night I dove down back in Adobe and actually did some work for a fellow author on here.  I’m actually going to do a book as a portfolio and a way to get in touch with clients on what they think of their project overall.  Haven’t decided on a cover might get out the old business card I still have stashed somewhere lol.  For the next couple of months I will be taking a step back from writing to focus on my health overall.  I hope you all will understand but if you or you know someone that wants some design work done, shoot me an inbox message and I’ll respond back ASAP.  Thank you all and stay safe.


Happy Father's Day everyone!  I am happy to announce that the fortieth and final chapter of Sea of the Forsaken has been released.  I apologized it took so long to get out, I finally got my mojo back into writing.  I thank you all for following the progression of Sea of the Forsaken and hope you continue to follow to find me post other projects on my Wattpad account.  Before I go and focus on the next book for the SOF series, I will be focusing on other projects that I have lined up (yes that includes the Street Fighter fanfiction I have).  Anyway, I just want to say you guys are awesome for waiting for the final chapter to be released.  Until next time I post, peace. 


Happy Memorial Day everyone!  This holiday really sinks into me because of family members who did serve in the military, but came home.  But those who haven't, thank you for your sacrifice for what you've done in protecting America's freedom.  Without it, we would not have these freedoms like freedom of speech or freedom of the press which makes us writers sometimes take for granted, but appreciate being able to do so like write anything on our blogs and stories on platforms such as Wattpad.  Due to recent findings on my health and struggles with depression, Chapter 40 will be delayed.   It's frustrating to not give you all the end to this book as soon as you want it to, but I also want to give a good ending rather than just half-ass it and say hey here it is.  The end.  Some of you may not like this news and I understand and I apologize.  For those who are okay with this.  Thank you.  I've also been pretty burnt out from writing considering I've been writing for a year and a half with this book and not been able to work on other projects I wanted to do.  I've been trying to get my creative juices on things that usually give me inspiration on writing, but nothing has worked so far.  I would like your suggestions on fellow writers on what makes you get inspiration.  What makes you say eureka on a plot, an event, or something so minor such as a conversation?   Please let me know, and thank you all for being so patient.  I apologize for any inconvenience this may give you.   Stay safe and have a happy memorial day!


Alright everyone! Chapter 39 Judgment is now available to read for Sea of the Forsaken.  For those who may have noticed,  the cover has changed slightly.  The reason for it was because Sea of the Forsaken won 2020's Nobel Prize Award in the Fantasy Category along with a few others.   This was actually the first ever contest I've ever won and so has Sea of the Forsaken so I'm pretty motivated to get this book done and to keep writing other content.  I also would like to point out that I hit fifty followers as of today so thank you guys so much for showing your support through it all.  Also would like to give a couple of shout outs to a couple of contests I've entered, please check them out.;;  
          Again thank you all for supporting and showing your love, stay safe!


Hey guys! I know I'm still alive!!!! I hope you all are too and well.  First off, I want to apologize once more for delaying chapter 38 from many things such as ongoing health related issues (don't worry, I don't have COVID-19), writer's block (who doesn't have that once in awhile?), and finally as you pretty much know what's going on with the outbreak.   My work  ordered me to work at home so that's what I am doing is working still.  So far I am not working as many hours as I am normally accustomed to due to work demand at this time.  Aside from that,  I am trying to see this through the end for this book, but I am just worn out mentally.   I want to thank you all for still supporting me and following up on updates on SOF and possibly more projects I am looking to get myself into.  I currently am taking a break from reviewing on Jerks Reviews to catch myself back up aside from everything going on.    I also want to announce that I was featured on @CircleofJerks ' recent newsletter.   I've been asked a few questions about which character I like and dislike on SOF as well as other miscellaneous questions.  I'll post the link down on this announcement, and if you haven't followed them yet, please follow the Circle of Jerks where you can get more newsletters and announcements about the groups plans and projects they are cooking up.  Again, thank you guys so VERY much for being so patient for this chapter and still subscribing to my channel.   May you stay healthy and safe through these times!


So, I hope this isn't too rude, but I was wondering if you'd be willing to give me some feedback on the first four chapters of my book.
          I'm completely fine if you're busy, or if you just aren't feeling it though.
          The chapters are fairly short. I appreciate honest comments - they help me get right to the big problems.
          Thanks in advance if you can do it.