
Happy Juneteenth to all my fellow AAs and happy father's day to everyone!


I'm a bit late, but happy new years everyone 


@Lunaofstars Its fine we can always chat on wattpad


@Zack362 I don't really share my personal social media with other people sorry, plus I don't post anything anyways. It's just a privacy thing for me so don't take it to heart


Long time no see,
          A lot has happened since I've been gone from wattpad. I started college which is not as fun as the movies made it seem. I've been struggling with writer's block and my own mental state for a while now, but I'm pushing through. I cannot give you an exact date of when I'll be writing again, but it'll be before Christmas ( don't hold me to that though ). 
          For the txt book, I don't know when or if I'll ever update it. I don't want to have another oc that I really dislike like Nari. I also want to make sure I portray them members of txt correctly because I definitely didn't do that in my bts fanfic. Instead of the txt extra member book, I have an entrie band of ocs. You may have seen the kpop group book appear and disappear on my profile, but now I have a direction I want to go in for that one. 
          I will be doing some major editing for my bts extra member book as it is very cringe and that's putting it lightly. I will be removing some parts in the story and maybe even deleting some chapter to attempt to make it better. All 18+ moments will be removed because I had no business writing them at age 15 and 16.
          I also have a few non kpop related books I've been thinking about writing and may publish even if nobody reads them.


Just a quick update about what's been happening 
          I'm graduating high school this evening which is one of the main reasons why I haven't been updating, but now that I'm finished with school updates should become more regular. 


@Lunaofstars  Congrats on graduating!!!! :D


this message may be offensive
The increase in hate crime among Asians is fucking appalling. Those eight women in Atlanta did not deserve to have their lives stolen from them, and for the news to say that man killed them because he was having a "bad day." 
          At this point, America is a joke. How do you preach about being the greatest in everything, but you can't even protect your own citizens. People can't even walk outside without fear of being targeted, without fear of their face being on the fucking new because they've been killed. I am so so so sorry to the Asian community, and I know you guys are hurting, but I want you to know that I'm standing with you.


            I'm asian too, but im not in America, im in Canada :)