Hello everyone! Today is the 5th anniversary of “In Another World as my Waifu”! Yes, it’s been 5 years of isekai shenanigans already! 
          	And as I always say on this day and every time that I see you in the comments or the discord, thank you for reading.
          	Thank you for reading and immersing yourselves in the world of Arte and the crazy characters that live in it.
          	Thank you for enjoying the company of Auros and Nerinne in the narration and the rest of the cast.
          	Thank you for melting at how adorable Ilya and Celesia are.
          	Thank you for laughing at the stuff that our crazy protagonist does on her own or with all the maids.
          	Thank you for your patience, your understanding, and your support throughout the years.
          	Truly, thank you for all of that and more. 
          	This condition has robbed me of so much time that I could have spent writing but I can finally tell you that I’m steadily improving, and my physical therapist has started giving me more intensive exercise due to that.
          	I AM getting better and it’s in part thanks to all of you, you who are one of the biggest lights of my life. 
          	When I read your comments or I see you going nuts in the discord or you upload some fanart, all of that and more fills me with a warmth that has kept me going, striving to get better.
          	It helps me get through it all no matter how painful things can get sometimes. 
          	So again…thank you.
          	Still, 5 years, huh. That’s quite an important milestone. And with the story getting closer and closer to one million views in ScribbleHub, you could say that Waifu is still going strong. Right? 
          	I’m glad. I’m so glad. 
          	Thank you everyone. Thank you so much. 
          	Happy birthday “In Another World as my Waifu”! Thank you so much for your warmth!


Hey @DOOMGURL ! It's glad to see you again, and don't worry! Stuff happens! And hey, YOU ARE part of the community! Don't worry!


@MRPANDOPOOL glad you're doing well^^ it has been a moment and i kinda of lagged on reading bec of irl stuff, way before the fandom became as big as it is right now (kinda regret not being there and joining) but i will start reading again^^


I am glad you are doing better 


@Baj770 yah I was just checking in on the story and saw your last post 


@Baj770  ! It's been a while!! And I am doing better now! I'm able write daily and even play games again. I'm really happy. 
            In any case, thank you so much for your support all these years and I'm glad to see you again! 


Hello everyone! Today is the 5th anniversary of “In Another World as my Waifu”! Yes, it’s been 5 years of isekai shenanigans already! 
          And as I always say on this day and every time that I see you in the comments or the discord, thank you for reading.
          Thank you for reading and immersing yourselves in the world of Arte and the crazy characters that live in it.
          Thank you for enjoying the company of Auros and Nerinne in the narration and the rest of the cast.
          Thank you for melting at how adorable Ilya and Celesia are.
          Thank you for laughing at the stuff that our crazy protagonist does on her own or with all the maids.
          Thank you for your patience, your understanding, and your support throughout the years.
          Truly, thank you for all of that and more. 
          This condition has robbed me of so much time that I could have spent writing but I can finally tell you that I’m steadily improving, and my physical therapist has started giving me more intensive exercise due to that.
          I AM getting better and it’s in part thanks to all of you, you who are one of the biggest lights of my life. 
          When I read your comments or I see you going nuts in the discord or you upload some fanart, all of that and more fills me with a warmth that has kept me going, striving to get better.
          It helps me get through it all no matter how painful things can get sometimes. 
          So again…thank you.
          Still, 5 years, huh. That’s quite an important milestone. And with the story getting closer and closer to one million views in ScribbleHub, you could say that Waifu is still going strong. Right? 
          I’m glad. I’m so glad. 
          Thank you everyone. Thank you so much. 
          Happy birthday “In Another World as my Waifu”! Thank you so much for your warmth!


Hey @DOOMGURL ! It's glad to see you again, and don't worry! Stuff happens! And hey, YOU ARE part of the community! Don't worry!


@MRPANDOPOOL glad you're doing well^^ it has been a moment and i kinda of lagged on reading bec of irl stuff, way before the fandom became as big as it is right now (kinda regret not being there and joining) but i will start reading again^^


When will there be a new chapter of in another world as my wiafu be released sorry for any spelling errors 


@Baj770  ! It's been a while! I am so sorry...I haven't been able to focus on writing recently because of family stuff and ongoing condition with the tendonitis. Chapter 143 has a first a draft and I keep working on it whenever I can but I don't have a date yet. 
            I seriously apologize for this long delay between chapters.


Happy new year everyone ! For some it already is 2023 while for others, including me, the new year is still some hours away, but I wanted to drop this now instead of later, so here I am! As I have said continuously throughout these weeks, I have nothing but gratitude for the support all of you have given me throughout the year as a whole. Seriously, you, my dear community, my dear friends, you have become one of the pillars that help me stay standing after everything that has happened throughout the year and I hope that one day I will be able to repay all of you for the warmth, the love, the friendship and more that you have extended to me.
          Thank you. Truly.
          I hope that this year I will be able to work as much as possible and deliver you not only the final chapters of the revised first volume, but also more chapters of volume 2 and lots of art too. Maybe even an art collab stream with another professional artist that may or may not be already in the server (more details coming tbd) and other amazing things I have been trying to figure out in the background.
          To my patrons I want to say this, thank you for your patience, understanding, and stalwart have done so much for me bad time after another and you have never done anything but help me get through the worst times in my life. To the point that sometimes my family gets to eat because of you. So...thank you. I promise I'll try my best to deliver some exclusive content to you as I've been trying to do this whole year.
          So again, thank you.
          Thank you so much.
          Love you all and may we all have another year with everyone here!


@MRPANDOPOOL wishing you a happy new year as well


Hello everyone! LARH and I will be doing an "early" (for us) stream so that people from places like Germany, Philippines and more can join in on the fun! And it's happening tomorrow! Mhm, to celebrate 4 years of "In another world as my waifu" me and LARH are going to stream in the story’s discord server! LARH (the story’s illustrator) is going to be drawing some art on stream while we talk about the story with all of you! It's going to be at 10:30 am UTC -5 time. You can check at which time the stream begins on your region by just clicking here (this link also works as invite to the server):
          Hope you can be there!


I know I'm late hahahaha.My work and college got the better of me and I'm glad to see you're safe hahaha 2019 when I started reading you're story what a long time and I'm glad I'm one of the people who who found and got to love this fantastic art of a story sorry I couldn't read it because of my time,note I'm writing this on my recess.


@Genderbender02  don't you worry! We all have things that take priority, it's alright! More than that, thank you for being part of this community since back then!