
Hello you gorgeous people. 
          	Right I'm off to Cyprus Monday afternoon for a week for my fiancé's dad's wedding. This should be fun as I absolutely hate the heat and I'm partaking in "Goth Girl Summer" so I'm planning on coming back as pale as I'm leaving. Wish me luck on that. 
          	I am taking my laptop though so hopefully I'll be able to get some writing done. I see a few of you have been adding my stories to your lists and voting on them so thanks for that.  Let me know what you think I'm always open to input. At least I may be able to chill out a bit and get my creative head on. 
          	Anyway I hope everyone is okay and I'll see you in the next chapter. 
          	-Georgie x


Hello you gorgeous people. 
          Right I'm off to Cyprus Monday afternoon for a week for my fiancé's dad's wedding. This should be fun as I absolutely hate the heat and I'm partaking in "Goth Girl Summer" so I'm planning on coming back as pale as I'm leaving. Wish me luck on that. 
          I am taking my laptop though so hopefully I'll be able to get some writing done. I see a few of you have been adding my stories to your lists and voting on them so thanks for that.  Let me know what you think I'm always open to input. At least I may be able to chill out a bit and get my creative head on. 
          Anyway I hope everyone is okay and I'll see you in the next chapter. 
          -Georgie x


Hey folks! Just a quick one.
          So I've put up the prologue for the second Taylor Witches novel; Cleansing Fire. Before you read it, please go read My First Coven First if you haven't done as it is well, the first book! Also, please give me some feedback on the story, characters etc. I'm beginning rewrites so it'll help. And if you listen to the My First Coven Spotify playlist, you may notice that a few things have changed. This is because I'm gonna be doing another playlist for Cleansing Fire, so there may be a few songs migrating to that playlist that are appropriate for it. The one for MFC will because a little more concise and fitting. :)
          Cheers folks. Hope you're all well.
          -Georgie xx


Hi again, from the worst writer ever. 
          Hey folks. 
          Sorry it's been so long since my last update but my life has been actual hell recently. First off a few weeks ago I got really sick again, in fact I think it was pneumonia and it's taken me ages to get over it. Secondly, I may have mentioned I've been having family issues recently. Well it's finally come to a head, a member of my family has just been diagnosed with a life-limiting disease and it's really hit me hard to the point where I'm so stressed, my doctor told me I should get therapy. Which is nice I guess. :/
          Anyway, I have updated. I haven't had the desire to write in weeks because of everything, but writing does help when I'm in the mood to do so. I need to get back to it and keep my mind off things.
          Blessed be everyone.
          -Georgie x


Hey guys! How are you all?
          Well I'm slowly getting back in to writing. I'm trying to make time to write when I can 'cause I've been so busy lately and I'm recovering from being poorly too. Bleh. Anyway I'm updating when I can. I've also added and changed a few things on the Sportify Playlists for both Coven and Fray, so check those out when you get the chance. :)
          Have fun everyone, keep an eye out for updates!
          -Georgie x


Hey there everyone.
          Sorry for not posting as soon as I said I would. It's not been going so great recently. Ended up with a hint of writers block but I've been poorly and I'm currently going through so really serious family issues right now, which is not helping my mood or my mental health in the slightest. Seriously is a going to therapy job this one. No bueno.
          But I'm back writing at least. You would've had this chapter of Coven sooner if the i key on my laptop keyboard hadn't broken last week. I only just got a replacement on Tuesday! XD
          Anyways, please enjoy the newest chapter of Coven. I'll be updating Fray soon too and I also had a short story/one shot bouncing around my head recently so I might get that down. Let me know what you think of Coven and Fray so far, I'd love to hear from you all. Please come cheer me up! XD
          Much love and blessings.
          - Georgie x


Hi everyone! Hope you're all okay and are doing well. 
          Firstly, I know I haven't updated either of my stories recently and I apologise for that. Life just got in the way over the past few weeks/month or so so I just haven't had the time, or the inclination to be honest. But I'm off work whilst the New Year so I'll have plenty of time when Yule/Christmas is out the way. 
          Secondly thank to everyone for keeping up with my stories so far, I really appreciate it. We're getting to the good stuff now in Fray and Coven will be wrapping up shortly. Keep an eye out for Coven though as I will be doing some Yule/Christmassy chapters soon which should be fun. 
          So from me to you and your families over the holiday period whatever you celebrate or not; try and have a lovely time and don't get too stressed. This time of year can be both a nice or a difficult time for some folks, but just know I'm thinking of you all and I'm sending you some good vibes. ❤
          Take care and look after yourselves. ❤
          Blessed Be. 
          -Georgie xxx


Thanks to all who have been reading my stories so far, love you guys. :) Please leave me any comments if you wish, I'd love to hear what you all think and let me know if you have any questions. :) I'll be trying to update as much as possible from now up to Christmas and possibly over the Christmas period too, as I finish work on the 22nd and I won't be back till January the third. XD I should get some good writing done.
          -Georgie x


Hi everyone!
          Just a quick one to say I'll be updating both Fray and Coven pretty soon, maybe in a day or two. I'm taking it steady at the mo 'cause I've been quite the stresshead recently and I just need a little while to get my head screwed back on straight. So please keep you eyes peeled for my next chapters. :)
          Take care folks!