
          	I’m back from a longggggg break  I’m so sorry for just disappearing like that I had a lot of things happen to me over the years. And this has inspired me to write something really personal to me. I’m not sure whether I would finish the previous stories that I have published but I will try! And keep a look out for a special update ☺️
          	Hope you guys are all well and have a happy holiday 


          I’m back from a longggggg break  I’m so sorry for just disappearing like that I had a lot of things happen to me over the years. And this has inspired me to write something really personal to me. I’m not sure whether I would finish the previous stories that I have published but I will try! And keep a look out for a special update ☺️
          Hope you guys are all well and have a happy holiday 


Hello guys!
          This is my first time back on Wattpad since... (I don't even remember when)! I have obviously missed a lot ((the entire website has changed lol, and I missed everyone's updates, I haven't read anything on Wattpad for such a long time :( ))
          Just to explain my sudden disappearance and lack of updates; ever since I have started doing my nursing degree in my university, I have become extremely busy (so busy that I don't remember the last time I cooked a decent meal haha). And to make matters even more difficult, I found out on the day I was accepted into uni that I was pregnant!! So juggling pregnancy and university life is not as easy as it looks. (Especially now that I am doing practice in a hospital that's 2 hours away from me)
          So please bear with me until I get everything sorted. I probably wont be free until the end of my Summative February exam but I will try to update something before that. 
          Hope you guys are doing well and just in case I disappear again, happy holidays!


Dear Wattpadians/followers/fans
          I know I haven't been on Wattpad since the End of July but I have been extremely busy with interviews for uni's and their selection days. And when I finally get accepted I become extremely sick.
          I have been bedridden for a couple of weeks now and I am not a person you want to be communicating to. (Trust me...I have no idea how my husband has been coping with me). 
          But anyhow, I am going to finish the next update for Nearly perfect as soon as possible. I really did finish it but it seemed my computer just didnt feel like saving for me, which means I have to start again but I should be finished by the end of this week.
          And as soon as I get Nearly Perfect out of the way, I will work on The Annual Winter Ball.
          I am really sorry for all those people who have been waiting and sending me alot of Private messages to update. I am really sorry.
          I feel a bit better now, lets hope I dont go back to that sick episode again. :) (fingers crossed)


Aww thanks! Miss you too xx


Hope you get better <3
            miss you loads!


Hi guys!
          I know some of you want to kill me... (i dont blame you) I have been really busy with school  work, but I promise to update more often after this month. 
          Anywho...While I was visiting @xPureChances last week, we came up with a small game to write in ten minutes on a random genre. After our game we decided to share it with others so you can check out our comical (yet sometimes psychotic) attempts at creativity ;)
          We have already done a fantasy genre, so check it out here on wattpad with this username: @10-minute-challenge 
          If you have any ideas on a topic or genre do share it with me or @xPureChances or send a message on that user :)
          Thank you!