
Yay broken down computer is all fixed now! (well, kinda). Still really busy, but will update very soon :D


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I understand that sinking feeling. "Your story is great! It's well-received and it's hitting the featured list, and everyone's talking about it!"
          ... And then... Not even 1/5th of them make it past the prologue. They just popped in, checked it out, thought about whether they would want to read this story or not, and then hopped off.
          ... Yeah. Stories that build on hype tend to have the cascading, downhill effect.  It's easy to see stories like that - An explosive amount of readers at the very first (few) chapter(s), and then suddenly it's like someone region-locked your story so only a select few from that huge bunch make it beyond the prologue. It trickles down further as more lose interest in the tale, and eventually it reaches even less than 10% of the original reads on the first. It trickles even more, and then it eventually... Stops.
          Your efforts, wasted. Your world seems like it was only worth that much - These teenagers simply don't like your story enough to pursue it any further.
          "Oh yeah, 783 reads on my prologue!- Oh shit, it dropped to 229 right after! :C" I feel you, man.
          But I don't stop.
          I don't stop when people stop reading.
          Those 200 readers are going to die off slowly and leave my story all alone.
          ... Because my story deserves to exist.
          Because the things I've planned for it reach a stage these kids can only dream about, they can only fantasize it because it dwells within the stage of phantoms.
          My hand is halfway in the stage of phantoms. If I don't buck up and keep going... Who will?
          Keep going, Maprod. You're nearing the best parts of your story. Keep pushing forward.


Hi there! Thanks for voting on Claudius' story in ancient Rome,and I hope it's still entertaining you! I've inserted a chapter (a new #2, in 3 parts) to show their life in the arm camp in Spain before the caravan assignment. Hope you like it....


I can see your reply on the newsfeed and when I click through, it leads me to Cinilla's page. But I can't find the exact thread. You're right about fantasy and hf here on wattpad...but from what I saw, the fantasy ranking seemed to affect my ranking in other categories. idk wattpad is like a haunted house with too many unexplained things going on.


@AnnWrites From what i can make out, if you categorise your book in two genres the rankings are linked to an extent. Not completely, but to an extent (if anybody knows for a fact thats not true, let me know =)).


For some reason every time you vote, it gives me two notifications. But not two votes. :(


@Maprod Ah. Darn, I wanted 2-1 votes. XD