
Hello y'all,
          	I'm taking a break from Wattpad to continue writing For the Broken. I'd like to write a few more chapters outside of Wattpad to be able to supply you and Patreon with the best work I can provide as a first draft. Bear with me as I'm in my final year of college and juggling both my passion of writing and my goal of earning my degree as a first time graduate in my family.
          	I love your support and kindness and I promise I will return. I just need a little breather so I can provide you all with a great experience with my series.
          	Love you all and see you soon.❤️


@MarinaWritings hi i hope you are well i cant wait for you to continue with the Broken i love your writing


          	  That sounds like a good plan.   Thanks for the update.


Hi hi  where do I find the veil of shadows!!! Need to know what happens next! Do you have to have a membership for patroon? I’ve never used that before! Donna how it works! Haha can’t wait till you update on Wattpad!  


All of the series are inner connected 


I do but these older stories are being rewritten I’m almost done graduating college after that I’ll be dedicating all my time to writing and finishing this saga 


Hello y'all,
          I'm taking a break from Wattpad to continue writing For the Broken. I'd like to write a few more chapters outside of Wattpad to be able to supply you and Patreon with the best work I can provide as a first draft. Bear with me as I'm in my final year of college and juggling both my passion of writing and my goal of earning my degree as a first time graduate in my family.
          I love your support and kindness and I promise I will return. I just need a little breather so I can provide you all with a great experience with my series.
          Love you all and see you soon.❤️


@MarinaWritings hi i hope you are well i cant wait for you to continue with the Broken i love your writing


            That sounds like a good plan.   Thanks for the update.


Last chapter of For the Taking will be posted this Friday. The sequel of this series is already being written and will first be uploaded to Patreon come Friday. If you wish to immediately read the sequel I will post a link in the prologue of the second book here on Wattpad. The only chapter that will be on Wattpad for the second book will be the prologue until August 9th. The second book will be brought to Wattpad but at a slower rate than on Patreon. So please don’t worry if you think it won’t be brought here. It will I promise you.
           I’ve mapped out the entire series. This is the first time I’ve ever done this for a story so bare with me as I finally manage to put my best work forward and actually take my writing seriously. 
          Thank you all for your patience and understanding and I hope you enjoy For the Taking and the sequels yet to come. 
          Love you all,


            I'll be helping my mom all day that day so most likely won't be able to read it until Saturday.  
            I love For The Taking and am sure that I'll love the sequel.  ^^


Ok can i have death's deception book 2 please


I actually liked it the way it is book 1


@time5056 Hi! So, Death's Deception is currently being rewritten and will be uploaded at a later time. If you need further information about this refer to my Must Read announcement on the book. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Hi.. I saw Reckless( title) while reading "Ruthless".. 
          but I can't open it.. Whats the matter? There are plenty of questions unanswered in book 1..


Book one is being completely rewritten and renamed. Uploads will be a while until they are uploaded. 


Is there a book 2 for Ruthless?


@Sandy18beach There will be, but I will be rewriting ruthless the first book before I post the sequel. I apologize for the inconvenience. I wrote Ruthless when I was 15 years old and it needs a lot of revising.