
The 17th Community Read-Through is now live!
          	Please post the link to ONE of your stories/short stories under this post in the comments. We'll choose one story at a time and read about 10 minutes of it to everyone in the livestream and then critique it and say what we love about it. Looking forward to reading all of your gems! 
          	Here is the discord link to join the livestream and a writer's discord with over 200 people:


@MaxNebula uhm well my chapter 3 comes out tomorrow and chapter 4 is out this Friday


The 17th Community Read-Through is now live!
          Please post the link to ONE of your stories/short stories under this post in the comments. We'll choose one story at a time and read about 10 minutes of it to everyone in the livestream and then critique it and say what we love about it. Looking forward to reading all of your gems! 
          Here is the discord link to join the livestream and a writer's discord with over 200 people:


@MaxNebula uhm well my chapter 3 comes out tomorrow and chapter 4 is out this Friday


@MaxNebula can I ask a question?


@All_Maxed_Out Your issue is probably 2 things! One, you might not be that excited about what you're working on and that's why you're not motivated. So make something that excites you to work on it! Two, you probably need an in person writing group. This will give you people in real life to meet up with semi-regularly to give critique and make friendships with. You can find them by looking on Facebook pages for your city, calling a local bookstore and seeing if they know any or have one, or go on the app Meetup and find one.


A reminder that the 16th Community Read-Through is tomorrow at 11:30 am CST time zone! 
          Can't wait to see you all there!


@Kiri_Days Thank you so much my friend!


**The Raging Storm Announcement**
          Tomorrow at 10 am CST time zone I will be dropping Chapter 23: A Meeting Of Foundlings. Can't wait to share this with you all!

