
          	Azur Lane: Konvergenz is now completed. I truly thank everyone who took the time to read it, and who provided me with criticism so I could improve.
          	I am throwing the idea of "Bonus Chapters" around, but quite frankly, I am not sure about them, so they are still just an idea.
          	Now, In the future, I am planning a rewrite of the story to overhaul it with things like grammar fixes, plot fixes and completely annihilating the "script format" from all chapters it appears in. With "script format" I mean dialogue which is written like this:
          	Character 1: "I need beer"
          	Character 2: "Money can be exchanged with goods and services, you know."
          	So anyway, I will basically engage in general cleanup when I have the time. But until then - thanks for reading!


@Maxiception also if you planning 
          	  A bonus chapter. 
          	  Germanize new Jersey for payback for 
          	  The hugs and calling hessen cute


          	  Can't wait for more stories you might make in the future


          Azur Lane: Konvergenz is now completed. I truly thank everyone who took the time to read it, and who provided me with criticism so I could improve.
          I am throwing the idea of "Bonus Chapters" around, but quite frankly, I am not sure about them, so they are still just an idea.
          Now, In the future, I am planning a rewrite of the story to overhaul it with things like grammar fixes, plot fixes and completely annihilating the "script format" from all chapters it appears in. With "script format" I mean dialogue which is written like this:
          Character 1: "I need beer"
          Character 2: "Money can be exchanged with goods and services, you know."
          So anyway, I will basically engage in general cleanup when I have the time. But until then - thanks for reading!


@Maxiception also if you planning 
            A bonus chapter. 
            Germanize new Jersey for payback for 
            The hugs and calling hessen cute


            Can't wait for more stories you might make in the future


Hey, it's me again. No, I'm not talking about anything in the story, I'm just here to ask if you got discord.
          (Also because I need help for mine which is inspiration from you)


@Maxiception Ah, I see...well then, thank you for you time. I'll still be in touch in case, though.


@Site_undetected While it does sound interesting, i have sadly neither the time nor the experience needed to do that effectively.


@Maxiception It goes the same way as your story does, but with twists that can only be explained once I do send the Google file for you to inspect. Not done but you can see where it goes.


Hey man are going to add the new Russians ships are coming out in Azur lane or no?


@Paul55615 Not directly, no. The Northern Parliament will be mentioned very briefly, but no characters of them introduced since their involvement in the story would not make sense.


Greetings! With completion of the chapter 4 rewrite, I am now done with rewriting the very early chapters. Prologue and Chapters 1 - 4 have now been rewritten and no longer cause me pain when i look at them. Re-reading them is recommended if you haven't done so and want to. I especially recommend the rewrite of chapter four, because it reached a word count of over 7500 WORDS!! So if you now want to read Kaga getting blasted by two Harpoon missiles again in more detail, here you go.
          Anyway, i will now focus on writing more new chapters to hopefully bring this little amateur story of mine to an end. I am sorry if i disturbed you all with this little notification.


New chapter will be delayed further due to lacking time at the moment.


Wait, hold on. I screwed something up. I meant chapters 1-3 were rewritten, not chapter 4. Dammit. Anyway, i mean that i recommend chapter 3. Sorry, i am very tired and made a mistake.


Next few days will be focused on rewriting certain very early chapters to stop them from burning my eyes. As a result, the next new chapter will be delayed.


Oh yes - All rewritten chapters will be marked with "Rewritten" in their title, since it makes it easier to keep normal and rewritten chapters apart.


Greetings! I have issued a rewrite of the very first chapter - prologue - of my story, because, well, it urgently needed one. I changed quite a lot, so re-reading it might be worth it. Feedback is always appreciated!
          I will most likely rewrite my very early chapters as well as time goes on so it doesn't burn my eyes.


Seriously... I still wonder how you people manage to read my stuff without requiring eye surgery later.


Is everything good?


@Maxiception ohh so that's what you guys mean by Writer's block I thought it was Wattpad preventing you guys from Writing.


@VOID-KING If i could describe it - It is like knowing exactly where you want the story to go, but you are unable to put it into proper words. Highly annoying - and a bit embarrassing for me, because how can a complete amateur/beginner writer like myself even get a writer's block?!


@Maxiception how in the world did you guys even got a Writer's block In all of my writing I never experience having a Writer's block, I'm kinda Jealous Since I haven't experienced it.


May I ask who is the flagship for Germany in hessens world or superior? I’m curious is it going to be a made up one?


@Paul55615 Since the real life German navy does not really operate bigger ships than frigates, selecting a flagship is rather difficult. If i had to choose, i would say that one of the planned F126 frigates would fit the title of "Flagship" well since they are planned to be the largest surface warships to join the German navy since World War Two.


So - my first ever story has reached the milestone of 10.000 reads. Ten thousand! I am extremely happy that despite my inexperience within the boundaries of story writing, my completely amateur book still got recieved rather well. But still - i truly did not expect my book to reach even one thousand reads, but here we are - with ten times that now present.