
The first chapter of the revised version of 'The Story of Seth' is up! It's called 'Where We Belong,' and I'm really excited about it!


Hi! Can I ask how you added an image to the Share Your Story thread? I have no idea how to do it, and how you link it to your story?


            I just use this layout I found on the internet, remove the asterisks when you put the links in:
            <a href="**link to your story**"><img src="**link to the picture you want to use**" title="Describe Image Link Destination" width="208" height="325" /></a>


I just watched The Duff, and I think it's worth noting that I had the idea to make Robbie Amell play a character named Wes first. lol. (Ok, so his name was Wesley, but same thing. haha.) Hilarious movie, btw, I definitely recommend!.(:


Mia! Goodness gracious dear, are my eyes deceiving me or did you seriously add "Less than Perfect" to your reading list?? 'Cause if this is for real and I'm not just dreaming, THANK YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK! It means a lot to me that you'd even consider adding it. Like, whoa. Thanks so much, hon! Hope all is well with you!! Can't wait to read more of your work again! ^.^  xx


@littIlebirdie_  I did! It looks so good, I'm definitely going to start reading soon! You're so welcome!


I really don't get it. 'The story of Seth' and 'the benefits' are both the sweetest, cutest, best written complete stories I have ever -and i mean EVER!- read! And you should see my wattpad library, I'm obsessed with this website! So yeah, I don't get how you don't have millions of reads and followers! But be proud! Your work is magnificent and touching and so true. Thank you for sharing this story with the world.


@BeCreative53  Thank you so much! That means a lot! I am extremely thankful for the followers and reads that I have, I don't know how I even got that many, let alone millions?! lol. Thanks again! I'm so happy you enjoy  my stories!