
Hey Everyone!!! 
          	Thank you all for being so patient. With me being a first time mom, who also is now a stay at home mom, I haven't had time to post or even write new stories. 
          	But my daughters first birthday is coming up (Its on thanksgiving this year!) I will start to write and posting my stories now ^^. 
          	I will be taking advantige of the scedualed posting. I will try and do one a month, every other day, all at 2 pm (Eastern Daylight Time).
          	Again, you all have been so patient and I love you all for that. 
          	Thank you so much! 


@EtaineTheWitch it is but it's so much fun! 


@MightyDragonsfire  AWW CONTRAGTS! Being a mom is a lot of work   


Hey Everyone!!! 
          Thank you all for being so patient. With me being a first time mom, who also is now a stay at home mom, I haven't had time to post or even write new stories. 
          But my daughters first birthday is coming up (Its on thanksgiving this year!) I will start to write and posting my stories now ^^. 
          I will be taking advantige of the scedualed posting. I will try and do one a month, every other day, all at 2 pm (Eastern Daylight Time).
          Again, you all have been so patient and I love you all for that. 
          Thank you so much! 


@EtaineTheWitch it is but it's so much fun! 


@MightyDragonsfire  AWW CONTRAGTS! Being a mom is a lot of work   


Hey everyone. 
          I'm so sorry. 
          Being a new mother have been time consuming and that's why I haven't been posting new chapters. 
          Thank you all for being patient. 
          Love you all, 


@CharcoalDragon lol it's ok I understoodn8t perfectly ^^


@ MightyDragonsfire  wow, thats soeaks a lot about you then (in a good way, of course). I'm glad to heard that.
            Guess being tired doesn't go with all mothers, thats good to heard 
            (I feel like I worded this weirdly  but in my defebse I don't how to express my ideas JAJAJA sorry )


@CharcoalDragon I don't find it so tiring, but it is extremely rewarding. 


If you were killed, I wouldn’t be at your funeral, I would be in jail for killing the person who killed you. We are true friends. We ride together, we die together. Send this to everyone you care about, including me, if you care See how many times you get this I want you to know you are an amazing friend, til death and forever. If I don’t get this back I understand. But I have a game for you. Once you read this letter, you must send this to 15 other people, including me. If you get at least three back you are loved. Nobody knows how important is, until they loose it. Tonight ( at 12:00am) the person you live realise they love you. Then at 1-2 pm get ready for the shock of your life! If you break this chain, you will have bad luck. With love send this to the 15 if you don’t you will be ugly in one A friend told me to do this, so pass it on!! Tomorrow, two boys/girls will ask for your number. Send this to 15 nice people or bad luck starts for a whole year. This is not fake.


Hey everyone! 
          I will be posting on my normal schedule starting next week! 
          Love you all! 


@MightyDragonsfire Yw I am big fan of Markiplier


@Kpoplovers2000 thank you so much! I'm glad you love it! 


@MightyDragonsfire i love your markiplier fanfiction 


Hey everyone! 
          So, I had my baby ^^
          A beautiful baby girl. She was delivered by C-section so I'm going to be recovering over the next 2 to 6 weeks. 
          I will update the last bit of The Complete Banquet tomorrow but till I'm fully recovered, no updates. I'm sorry. 
          I will be busy with my baby and healing.
          Love you all, 


Hey Everyone! 
          I'm having my baby soon! My due date is the 16th! 
          Now, I might not update for a while because my husband and will be first time parents And we will lbe spending time with the baby. 
          Thank you for understanding ^^ 
          Love you all! 