
          	Since we got a happy ending on our last group project on our "Shut Up And Write" server (@shutupandwriteclub), we are eager to start on the next one.
          	This one will also be a murder mystery, the name is "Who Killed Ken", and right now we are at the earliest planning stage. Basically everything that is set is that there is a character named Ken, and he will be killed - the rest is up to the group. So if you wanna be a part of that project, we would welcome you and any input you can give us. Planning, character development, writing, promoting - anything you would like to contribute.
          	Hope to see you there!


          Since we got a happy ending on our last group project on our "Shut Up And Write" server (@shutupandwriteclub), we are eager to start on the next one.
          This one will also be a murder mystery, the name is "Who Killed Ken", and right now we are at the earliest planning stage. Basically everything that is set is that there is a character named Ken, and he will be killed - the rest is up to the group. So if you wanna be a part of that project, we would welcome you and any input you can give us. Planning, character development, writing, promoting - anything you would like to contribute.
          Hope to see you there!


Hey there!
          The announcement that Direct Messages will be removed as a feature from Wattpad has caused some uproar lately, so I feel that I should say something about it:
          Personally I hate that choice. And the reason Wattpad is giving us for this step is less than satisfying - basically saying "Ah, hardly anyone is using them anyway, and you can communicate by leaving comments on each other's works." So: Wattpad is apparently unaware of the purpose of "private messaging", which is a feature that every social media platform should have. Though I have to agree with @shutupandwriteclub that this might stop the harassment and otherwise unwanted behavior towards the female and younger crowd in here, based on their profile pics.
          I considered leaving the site and take my work elsewhere. But to be honest... I don't want to. I hate changes. And I haven't found a site yet that would be any improvement to what we have here. So I will stay and keep publishing my stories in here, for good or bad. Not because of loyalty or because I like what Wattpad is doing, but simply because I have nowhere else to go.


Hello there, my friends!
          If you had a chance to look at our group project from "Shut Up And Write", called "The Wedding Project" - and judging by the numbers you haven't - then you might have noticed that there were some issues in the text. Somehow the transfer from the original document to the Wattpad format didn't function very well, so there were a lot of text artifacts that looked really weird and disrupted the reading flow.
          Thanks to @XxxSistersxxX those issues are now dealt with, and you can give the book another chance. We would all appreciate your comments and likes.


People, we did it! We finally did it!
          After roundabout eight months of work my friends from "Shut Up And Write" and me have finally managed to complete our great group project. A tale of romance, of mystery, of love and hate - a pretty round package, if you ask me. A lot of talented writers have worked on this one. Some of them you might even know.
          As always, I hope to see some comments and some likes from you in this one - we would all appreciate your support.


I just finished and published chapter 8 of "... And A Shiny New Sword".
          This would probably be all for some time, since my vacation nears its end. I hope to get a few chapters out in the near future, but I might as well focus on my other projects for a while, if my day job allows me to.
          However, in about half an hour I will do a read aloud on our Discord server of "Shut Up And Write". Anyone who is already on this server is welcome to join in the voice chat room. Anyone who is NOT YET on this server should consider joining it. We are having a lot of fun there!


Chapters 6 and 7 are done. 
          This book gained already some popularity in the live readings I am doing on our "Shut Up And Write" Discord server (see @ShutUpAndWriteClub for more info), and I must admit: It is fun reading it aloud, even though English is not my native language (apparently some people in there like my German accent). That said, I will probably hate reading chapter 7 aloud. If you read it, you will know why.


I just finished chapter 5 of "... And A Shiny New Sword". 
          I also did a read in our voice chat on the SUAW server, and it seems like my audience liked it a lot. There may be another read at another time, so I hope to get a few more chapters done in the near future.


It's basically the middle of the night. I am sitting cozily on my sofa, with the laptop on my... well... lap, and I just published the second chapter of "... And A Shiny New Sword". 
          I am glad that people recognize this as humorous fantasy, so I am actually doing something right. Shout-out to my latest follower @YorkRoss (Herzliches Moin nach München!), and I hope you will enjoy this second part as well.