
Hi, friends!
          	A new chapter of Thorin and Bilbo's current adventures is finally up! You can read it here: https://www.wattpad.com/1327896178-my-path-has-led-me-here-bagginshield-a-long
          	This one is a bit long, but I hope you like it!
          	Happy weekend!


Hi, friends!
          Thorin and Bilbo's adventures continue in my new story, "My Path Has Led Me Here" - the sequel to "The Light that Wakes"!
          You can read the first chapter here: https://www.wattpad.com/1267342782-my-path-has-led-me-here-bagginshield-the-sweetest
          Hope you like!


@Imapotato_yeet Aww thank you SO much! I have had a hard time writing lately, but I was just thinking I need to get back into it!


I found you and your stories about two days ago and I haven’t read anything in so long that has made my heart move, absolutely beautiful writing and I do hope this continue.


Hi, friends! 
          Thank you so much for all the follows, votes, adds and comments I've been getting lately! It always makes me happy to see that people still read and enjoy my stories! 
          I also wanted to let you guys know that I have started working on a new story about Thorin and Bilbo. It will be the sequel to my most recent story about them, "The Light that Wakes".  Anyone excited?
          Hoping to post a new chapter soon :)
          Have a great rest of the week!


@greencardigan_ Oh, thank you so much!!! New chapter is almost finished and coming soon! Yay!


omg yes i’m so excited!! i just finished the light that wakes and i’m ecstatic! you are such an amazing writer and i looove your writing style it’s so beautiful and just incredible!! keep up the good work!! :]


Dear readers  and friends,
          I am more than happy to announce that my Bagginshield story "The Light that Wakes" is now complete!  I invite you to read the final chapter of Thorin and Bilbo's new adventures at:
          Hoping that the wait has been worthwhile! Would love to hear your thoughts, as always!
          Thank you and much love,


@ MirielOfGisborne  You're welcome! And I'm looking forward!


@StoriesAndArt Thank you for writing and for your kind words!
            Yes, I am planning a part 3 about their engagement time, Thorin's coronation and the time leading up to their actual wedding. My main focus has always been the relationship between Thorin and Bilbo, though. If I write about Thorin's rule of Erebor and the politics involved, it'll be most probably through that lens.


@ MirielOfGisborne  I just wanted to say that I
            1. Love your style of writing with all these discreptions and ah, it's simply wonderful
            and 2. Hope for a part three about Thorin actually ruling Erebor, now that he has recovered and the relationship thing with Bilbo is finally solved. 
            Are you planning something like that?


Dear readers and fellow Bagginshield fans,
          If you've been waiting for a new chapter of "The Light that Wakes", my sequel to "Days of Agony", it is now available at https://www.wattpad.com/1204411922-the-light-that-wakes-after-the-storm
          I know I haven't been very consistent with my updates to this story and I want to thank everyone for your patience and your kind words. If you can spare some time to read the new chapter, I would be very happy to hear your thoughts!


Hello, dear readers!
          Hope you're having a great Tuesday!  I know I'm quite happy to let you know that chapter 10 is here for "The Light that Wakes", my sequel to "Days of Agony".
          You can read it here: https://www.wattpad.com/1109840804-the-light-that-wakes-the-forge
          As always, I hope you like it. Let me know in the comments!
          Much love,


Dear readers,
          Chapter 9 of "The Light that Wakes" - my sequel to Thorin/Bilbo fic "Days of Agony" - is now up!  Something VERY important happens in this one, so don't miss out!
          This chapter shares a title with one of my earlier stories . That's not just me lacking imagination. It's because I've reused some of that story for this chapter. It really fit in nicely with where this story is going. 
          Hope you like and thank you for reading!