
Hey there! I've been quiet for a while, but you know how life can be. This is to let you know that I've unpublished four of my stories. That's because I wasn't happy with them, and I want to rework them into something else. So once that's done, I'll repost them.
          	Though that doesn't mean I won't have something in store for you. Since part of my NaNo project is close to being ready, I thought I could share the first chapter with all of you. I'm trying to have a schedule up, but for now, Fridays should be my drop day, with Monday being dedicated to a Patreon early release.
          	So hopefully I should be back more regularly, and with more writing to share. Thanks again, and see you on Friday!


Hey there! I've been quiet for a while, but you know how life can be. This is to let you know that I've unpublished four of my stories. That's because I wasn't happy with them, and I want to rework them into something else. So once that's done, I'll repost them.
          Though that doesn't mean I won't have something in store for you. Since part of my NaNo project is close to being ready, I thought I could share the first chapter with all of you. I'm trying to have a schedule up, but for now, Fridays should be my drop day, with Monday being dedicated to a Patreon early release.
          So hopefully I should be back more regularly, and with more writing to share. Thanks again, and see you on Friday!