
Chapter five of Red & Black is up!


Hey guys.
          Sorry to bring a downer to my page, but it’s something I need to address.
          Since I published Red & Black I have been constantly hounded by someone to post the next update. This would be fine if it was a single comment on the story saying something like, “Can’t wait for the next chapter!” — but it has become incessant to the point of harassment.
          This constant bugging isn’t just on Wattpad — but Instagram too, on my George Michael fan account. At first I gave this person the benefit of the doubt and answered them and was polite. However, eventually it became very grating to receive 6-10 messages in the space of five minutes pestering me about updating.
          As a result, I blocked this person to stop them from contacting me again. Since I did this, they have proceeded to create around 10 new Instagram accounts for the sole purpose of harassing me further. Comments on my posts; private messages. In the last 24 hours, they have made FOUR new accounts.
          The final straw came today when they commented on my post accusing me of being a liar for not updating “when I said I would”. I have never made any promises about an updating schedule, because life gets in the way and I don’t want to put pressure on myself to get chapters out at certain times.
          This person has been extremely insensitive to the latest hardships in my life, and I’ve now had to threaten reporting them to Instagram if they continue to harass me.
          I really hate having to deal with and do these sorts of things to people who have supported my work, but with all the personal struggles going on in my personal life, it was just a step too far for me.
          I had this type of harassment with a previously-published story, which some of you may remember, titled Polaroid. Somebody (perhaps even the same person) did the same thing with that story, and in the end I unpublished the book because I couldn’t handle the pressure.
          (Continued in comments)


@mikeslilhoe Exactly! I’ve had a lot going on in my personal life and Wattpad has been the least of my concerns. I wish people were more considerate.


@MissJackson777 I'm sorry you had to deal with all  of that I had no idea ppl could be so insensitive why tf would anyone harass another person over a mere update there's life outside wattpad yk‍♀️


@MissJackson777 Don't worry dear just hope they really feel ashamed of themselves 


Christmas Day marks seven years since George Michael left us. I can't believe it's been so long. I still remember hearing the news back in 2016.
          Thank you for everything, George. Fly high, be happy, and rest peacefully wherever you are.
          You changed my life in so many ways and inspired me more than I could ever have imagined. I am who I am today because you helped guide me in this direction. No words will ever come close to describing the impact you’ve had on me; it would be futile to even try.
          Have a drink up there with Dad for me. I love you so incomprehensibly much, George. Always and forever. I promise. ❤️


@MissJackson777 omagoodness! Rest In Heaven George, will always love you ❤️


It’s my birthday!
          I turned 24 today. :O


@MissJackson777 YAY✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ ☺️  Happy Birthday! 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。


@mikeslilhoe Haha no worries! Thank you.


So, so excited and proud that my story, The Things That I Hide, has finally made it to 1K votes!! ❤️
          I've waited for this milestone for almost two years, since I started writing it in February 2022. Not only does it make it the highest-voted George Michael story on Wattpad, but it is also the first George Michael story to hit 1K votes on Wattpad too.
          I'm so thankful to everyone who's voted, commented or simply read silently. Thank you so so much. You have no idea how much it means to a silly aspiring author like me. ❤️
          I love each and every one of you!




@ MissJackson777  yesssss❤️❤️


@adifferentcorner THANK YOU! ❤️ And thank you so so much for being my 1,000th vote! ❤️


Moonwalkers/Michael Jackson fans!
          I finally published chapter one of my new MJ story, Red & Black!
          I’m so excited about this story, and I really hope you all like it, if you decide to go ahead and read it. It’s been a few years since I wrote an MJ story, and it feels great to be back!
          I’ll be publishing other George Michael stories in the future, and have a few ideas in the works already. But for now, I want to focus some time on getting back into the swing of the Michael Jackson side of things again. :)
          I would also be super, SUPER appreciative of any votes and comments I receive if you do like what you read.
          Love you guys. ❤️


@MissJackson777 Can't wait to know who is going to be the citria of this story 