
"Ink of My Heart" Chapter 3: A Father's Love is out! 


Hi, thank you for the follow back. ❤️
          Are you interested in doing R4R with me? I only have 3 chapters so far.
          Ink of my heart sounds like something right up my alley.


Thank you so much! It definitely needs parts deleted/edited so I hope it’s not too much.
            I’ll be getting yours today too once I get off of work. Can’t wait. ❤️❤️


Hi Violet!! I am! Your story is intriguing, up my alley as well. I can get started tonight <333


The first chapter of Ink of My Heart is out!!
          Along with character aesthetics:
          And location aesthetics:
          The 2nd chapter will be out later this weekend :)


Hi everyone! 
          I am ahead of schedule so the first chapter of "Ink of My Heart" will be out this Friday at 9 am :) I am so excited for you to read it!!
          Make sure to follow my IG @missbingshan for sneak peaks, more character aesthetics, and music/playlist! 
          I am open to R4R so feel free to post on my convo wall for a request!


Wooo!!! I’m excited to read more of your work!!


Ink of My Heart: A Forbidden Romance Author's Note and Character page has been posted!! The first chapter will come out next Saturday on June 1, 2024. I hope you will tune in and give it a read :D It is a timepiece with a modern twist, a romance set in the 17th century! 
          In the lavish estate of the Fitzwilliam family, Adelia, the spirited daughter of the Lord Baron and Lady Baroness, finds herself entangled in a love that defies societal norms. When Zayd, a mysterious and enigmatic boy sold into servitude enters their household, Adelia's heart is captivated by his dark allure.
          Their bond flourishes, testing Adelia's bravery as she defies her family's stern disapproval and society's harsh scrutiny. With each stolen moment and secret rendezvous, their passion intensifies, and their love becomes a powerful force that neither can deny.
          However, when their forbidden romance is brought to light, the consequences are swift and devastating. Facing insurmountable obstacles and heart-wrenching choices, Adelia and Zayd must navigate a treacherous path, where love and loyalty are pitted against duty and honor.
          This is a tale of love and loss, of power and rebellion, where passion ignites in the most unexpected places and refuses to be extinguished, even in the face of overwhelming adversity. Will their love endure the ultimate test, or will the forces arrayed against them tear them apart forever?
          18+ Mature Audience
          - Timepiece (17th century [1600's] with a modern twist) 
          - Friends to lovers 
          - Mature and sexual themes 
          - Third-person POV
          Author's Note:
          A look at the characters:


@MissShanShan This sounds so cool! Awesome idea :D


          I am going to be completely honest here and I've hesitated on this decision for a few weeks now. My updates have been slower recently due to the heaviness of my latest chapters in GoL. Although I intend to finish the book, it has been harder for me to focus and stay motivated in wrapping up the end of the story. 
          I think a little of it has to do with the fact that I have a fear of letting go and not doing justice to this story I started writing when I was a teen, and the sadness  that comes with it. When I first wrote the story, I never wrote an ending for it. It feels very strange to have to end it now, a decade later, and I find myself filled with hesitation and doubt. I have been filled with conflicting emotions throughout the writing of the past 40 chapters, as half of it seems distant from me (the half written in the past) while the other half seems true to my writing style now in the present. 
          Throughout the past few months, I have been working on a completely separate story on the side that I have poured a lot of research, energy, and time on. My original plan was to post this story only when GoL was complete, but more and more I am tempted to post it earlier than expected. 
          As previously mentioned, my intention is to absolutely finish Game of Love, but I will be posting a second story alongside it, and I am hoping in doing so I can help myself get out of the slump of being shadowbanned with GoL, and also refind my motivation and love for writing. 
          I will be posting the new story, it's synopsis and cover along with a Character page soon and I hope you can tune in. 
          To my loyal readers and R4R's of GoL, thank you for all your support as it means the world. I will endeavour to complete the book, but it will just take me some time. I hope you understand!!!! 
          Thanks for reading this if you've gotten this far!!!


@MissShanShan I completely understand! Things change over time, it's part of being a writer who GROWS and develops. I will be sticking by game of love until the end, take your time completing it and go at your own pace. Happy writing, and I can't wait to check out your other story! :)


@osiriabud Thank you Osiria for the support always <33 :'')


@MissShanShan omg another story!! looking forward to it! And whenever you update GoL, I'm sure it will be worth the wait <3