
I really need to do something with this profile. It's been, like, a year...


Hello MissingGemini,
          Hopefully you do well. Your profile says you're a college-student. I imagine that's a lot of work you have to deal with, so that's why there isn't much time left to continue your (may I say) wonderful story. I've reread it for the fifteenth time right now and still can't get enough. Will there be any chance you'll be continuing?


hey dUdE idk if you’re still on here (or still writing) but i just wanna say i used to live for your book updates! it was a good book a GREAT BOOK. but i understand how life may sometimes get in the way SOOOO hope you have a good day whatever you’re doing these days :) 


i like your profile pic! and I love your bookbook!I have a 4 chapter short story I would love your opinion of...so plz if u have time to check it out xo.  thankx


@Eleanorlyn Definitely,  I'll get to it as soon as possible! 


Do you know when you will update the bright and burning witch? No rush, just wondering. I love your book so much!!! <3


No problem! I get it, you can't just put a hold on life like you can for books, just so you can update more frequently haha! I look forward to the next update :D 


@_tearfully_odd_ First of all, thank you very much for voting! I love that you love the story. It's great to get some feedback every once in a while. Secondly,  I would estimate the next update to be in maybe two weeks from now. I know,  I know it sounds like a really long time but with college I only ever have time to write on the weekends. Seldom through the week. Typically,  I update once a month. Sadly I can't toil my days away writing *sigh*  


Hey there. :) I noticed in your profile that you don't mind branching out and being asked to read something. I'm not writing fantasy atm, but maybe you might consider checking out my story, Bear Skin? It's technically a romance, but really it's more of an adventure I haven't quite figured out how to categorize. New Adult (college-aged protag, though it's mostly a modern fairytale). 
          Anyway, if you have time, I'd love an honest comment. :3 Thank you for reading this!


@Sintalion Sure, I'll love to check it out sometime :)