
Hi there, Monica.  Thanks for checking out Kiss of the Dragonfly, and for the votes.  I hope you continue to enjoy it.  Also noticed Abby Goldsmith's books in your list - good choices!  :)   All the best,


@gilharriss also since i do have pretty diverse interests i tend to find that if i like the way an author writes i normally tend to like everything they write... The only things i don't check out are short stories and what not. They don't seem to really hold my attention well. Over too quick, not enough character development for me to become invested. 


@gilharriss ack well i do hate having to wait for a story to come out, probably cause i read so fast, however i have several at this point I'm following... Normally i just wait for 2 or 3 chapters to be posted between reads. I'll just add it to the list. 


That's rare!  I think you are the first WP reader who has voted on all three books.  Thank you.  I hope you won't be too disappointed to discover that Frost Angel is incomplete - it's still being posted at about one chapter per week.  