
Someone: gives me a great overall review but points out one (1) minor writing flaw
          	Me: wow I am literally the worst why do I even try writing 


Me at age 8: wow lol dolls are lame and for losers I have never looked at a doll with the slightest bit of interest in my entire life
          Me at age 18: I need to build my Hera Syndulla action figure a scale model of her space ship because she is a pilot and will be very sad without it!! 


@ElmCorridor I have a Twitter. Don’t post on it because of the character limit. I have too much to say uhhh. 


@MoonlightMysteryMLP why not just make a twitter then?


@ElmCorridor not really writing on here anymore, at this point I just use this account as a makeshift twitter status lmaooo


My favorite part of convention panels is watching the directors and actors suffer over not being about to release anything, like ‘yes hello is this going to happen?’ ‘Uhhhh..... well you see all I’m gonna say is it’s possible, but like, maybe it’s not?? It could happen, but like, that doesn’t mean it’s going to, but it COULD but like,,, maybe not???????? NEXT QUESTION PLEASE.’


Me: this is my new story, its about a space war, both main characters have a major physical disability that they gained in a tragic accident, multiple people are missing limbs, there’s lots of violence and death and emotional trauma and I’m also considering killing off the protagonist at the end.
          Me: ...
          Me: lol it’s a comedy tho


Me: I got my portfolio done 2 months early while you’re all suffering to get it in on time because I am a good student who doesn’t procrastinate!!!
          Also me: I have two projects due tomorrow. Guess I’ll rewatch Revenge of the Sith, a nearly 3 hour movie. This is obviously the best use of my time.