
Hi, everyone! 
          	There have been many questions circulating book two and its whereabouts! Currently, it is under major revision. However, the edited version of "Loving Kinnick" has gone up! I would recommend reading the new version as the plot has changed, and nothing between this original version and rewritten version is the same! 
          	I hope to see you there! Thank you for this lovely journey. I appreciate all of you! You will never know what you as readers have done for me as a writer, aspiring author, and person<3


@Morks_Ideas omg, but why would you take down the other books?


I can’t wait! This is one of my favorite books I’ve ever read. Thank you for putting even more love into it. <333


Have you ever thought about publishing Loving Kinnick because I would pay a very large amount of money for a paperback copy


@ephemeraldd aw, you’re too cute! I’m trying to make it the best that it can be, but I’m hoping within the same time the kindle version is released!


@Morks_Ideas Just saw this and it made my day! Do you have any idea when it could be ready? No pressure 


I’m currently working on physical copies! right now, the kindle version can be preordered!


Hi, everyone! 
          There have been many questions circulating book two and its whereabouts! Currently, it is under major revision. However, the edited version of "Loving Kinnick" has gone up! I would recommend reading the new version as the plot has changed, and nothing between this original version and rewritten version is the same! 
          I hope to see you there! Thank you for this lovely journey. I appreciate all of you! You will never know what you as readers have done for me as a writer, aspiring author, and person<3


@Morks_Ideas omg, but why would you take down the other books?


I can’t wait! This is one of my favorite books I’ve ever read. Thank you for putting even more love into it. <333


It's been a long, long time! 
          Everyone is questioning what happened to The Loving Kinnick series, and I am happy to say they are undergoing professional revision for self-publishing! As a writer and reader, I didn't deliver the stories how I portrayed them in my mind, and I didn't do them the justice they deserved. So, with that being said, I cannot wait to publish the sneak peeks as I promise them to be the best version! 
          Thank you for your continued support and for my new readers who have commented, voted, and followed me during this journey. You do not go unappreciated. I love you all unconditionally!


@Morks_Ideas it was a pleasure definitely worth it❤️❤️ Please update soon I hate the suspense 


@dunjaborota Thank you so much! I appreciate you<3


@Queen_of_reading__2  Aww! Thank you for reading(:


The worst part about being a writer is not being able to silence the voices in my head that constantly sound like new characters. There are so many stories I have yet to bring to life, and it has put a damper on the books I have published here! There are over seven stories I have not shared with you because I am waiting to finish the ones already posted. Life has been crazy lately, but I am managing my time better, so I can finally get more posted for all of you. Thank you for your patience and unconditional love<3 I love each of you and will never find the words to thank you enough for everything! My greatest joy in life is writing for you(:


@Morks_Ideas thank you for your amazing stories you share with us and the dedication to share with us!


@Morks_Ideas i feel that so much, as a fellow writer I get dozens of ideas and write them down each waiting for their time to be written and read


Is there difference between Loving Kinnick original and rewritten versions plot wise? I'm planning to start reading this series but don't know which book to start with!


@star_gazer1498 I recommend reading the rewritten version! The plot has changed a lot, and those changes will be noticed starting in the second story. 