
New chapter for Seeing Wings of Green has been posted! An almost 20min read for y'all since everyone waited so patiently! :)


Is it possible to translate the novel into Arabic?


I unfortunately don’t know Arabic, but if you do, feel free to name a story and translate it! All I ask is:
            1. Stay as close to the original wording as possible
            2. Give me credit for the story
            3. Provide me with a link once the first translated chapter is posted
            4. Keep the story on Wattpad
            5. Do not change anything other than the language the story is written in


First chapter of "Seeing Wings of Green" seemed pretty good; I enjoyed the light-hearted colloquialism, if that's much of a compliment. 32 works though plus a part-time job! That's inspiring; keep it up Moya!


No prob. I got school and work too, so does that count? Haha. Anyway, keep it up!


@LordByron21 Thank you! Comments like yours are what inspires me to keep writing! :)


The update u posted  845pm its  saying on my end failed to load 


@henryz5  :) no problem 


@henryz5 I just re-posted it! I felt like it was too short of a read the first time around.


@henryz5 its ch 22 of seeing wings of green 


Hey everyone! Sorry for all of the slow updates as of late. My mental health has taken a nosedive do to work stress and depression (I actually walked out of a toxic work environment mid-shift recently). That being said, I know I have a lot of stories up, but I have elected to update those with the most reader engagement for now. The stories that will be updated are as follows in no particular order: Learn to Fly, Taken, and Seeing Wings of Green. All other stories will be placed on hold or will be randomly updated for the time being. Thank you for understanding. :)


The first chapter of my new book, Horses of the Apocalypse has been posted! It follows Death's steed and her life before the apocalypse up until she officially becomes Death's mount. If you like horse stories with a twist of horror and apocalyptica, this is for you!