
It is a pretty sad truth of life – you go around and do a thousand amazing things, but nobody really pays much attention. 
          However, once you do one thing, just one single little mistake, and all of a sudden everyone is judging you for it.
           Your positive impacts and all the kindness you have put into the world just seem to immediately go away – people always seem to easily forget the good you have done or outright take it for granted however, that one slip-up? Oh, they will be remembering that one forever. 
          It seems like doing something bad is unforgivable, while doing something good is just taken as is, with no appreciation. It is pretty unfair in all honesty, but that is just how things are in our society. 
          The playing field is definitely not level – you have to be pretty much perfect on a consistent basis to avoid heavy judgements.


I am the  type of girl. 
          She’s the type of girl to wipe her tears after an argument and smile at you.
          She the type of girl who attempts a new recipe because she is excited for you to try it. 
          She’s the type of girl who doesn’t tell you about her day because she cares more about yours.
          She's the type of girl who will jump on the bed with you in a hotel room and eat snacks with you while watching hallmark movies. 
          She’s the type of girl who gets worried when you don’t answer your phone.
          She’s the type of girl that no matter how much you push her away she’s always there for you at the end of the day.
          She's the type of girl who asks about your day and genuinely cares about the answer. 
          She the type of girl who wants to throw blankets and pillows in the back of a truck and watch the stars with you on a cool summer night. 
          She's the type of girl who would rather cuddle on the couch with you while watching the notebook and drinking some wine, rather then going to a party. 
          She's the type of girl who will hold your head in her lap and run her fingers through your hair while she looks down at you and thinks to herself how lucky she truly is. 
          Do me a favor and if you have a girl in your life that does these things ..... never take her for granted because if she ever decides to move on ... 
          Trust me when I say this ... She isn’t coming back.


I don't want a relationship.
          I want a best friend.
          Someone I can fall peacefully asleep with on the couch in the middle of a hallmark movie. 
          Someone I can laugh with until we cry tears of joy.
          Someone I can build a future with and ultimately grow with. 
          Someone I can eat our favorite snacks with and talk about our fondest childhood memories. 
          Someone I can make love with and when I look in their eyes I get a feeling that is nearly indescribable.
          Someone I know so well that I can finish what they are going to say before they even say it. 
          Someone I can hold hands with and feel a connection so strong that I know nothing on the face of this earth can shake what we possess together. 
          Someone who I cannot wait to dream about every single night when I gently close my eyes. 


At some point, regardless of how wonderful and caring a woman is, she has her breaking point. 
          She has invested a lot in the relationship, but the efforts she puts in are not valued or returned. 
          At this point she has no option but to leave that relationship for her own good.
          Ladies, please do not be surprised the day your loving husband wakes up and decides to leave you.
           When a woman decides she has had enough, she will not stay any longer. 
          You cannot fault her for making this decision. But, for a change, look at it objectively and accept where you went wrong.
          Women are an asset to society and their love should always be valued and appreciated. 
          Her love is something special that has to be treasured, honored, and requited in equal measure.
           If you are unable to reciprocate her love and the efforts she makes for you and the relationship, you will definitely repel her.
          A woman has every right to walk out of a bad marriage when she has made efforts to change the man but he remains careless, inconsiderate or abusive. She deserves much better than such a toxic relationship that diminishes her energy and sense of self-worth. Never let a perfect woman slip away from your life.
          Do not take for granted any love you receive from a good woman. Treat her like a queen, make her feel special, important and loved every day. That is how one maintains a loving partner for a lifetime.