
RUBY IS BACK! Hallelujah, it's happening! I'm gonna start posting the final book in the RUBY series! Stay tuned <3


I love the ruby series  its good to read you again
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Still waiting for book 3 to the “Ruby Princess/Lady” 


Lol I just so happened to have plotted the whole thing yesterday but didn't want to announce it yet because I've been in a writing slump so your timing is almost scary
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Hey just wanting to make sure you’re still alive , happy , & good


Hi! Thank you for checking in, that’s so sweet! I’m alive and well, I just graduated and the ceremony is tomorrow so everything’s going great. (Also dw I haven’t forgotten about Ruby 3 but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet)
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Will you ever make a 3rd book to the Ruby Princess series?


Yes, I do plan on it! I’m working on my master’s thesis atm tho, so I won’t start thinking about how I want that to look until after my master’s finished, so it’ll be a while, sorry..
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I'm happy to announce that I've finally (FINALLY!) finished writing the sequel to The Ruby Princess. I hit some inspiration and finally managed to write the ending that I liked. I'll just have to proofread everything and edit a few minor things, but then it'll be ready to go up and I'll be able to publish a new chapter weekly. I'll try to get the proofreading done this week, so be on the look-out for it. I hope you guys will enjoy The Ruby Lady as much as its prequel. 
          Lots of love, Demi


Thank you so much for adding Dursley to your “best of Harry Potter” reading list!!! That’s so sweet and I’m so glad you like it!!!❤️❤️❤️


I absolutely love it! No problem at all!❤️
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