
Brothers in Law question! 
          	As we are coming at the part where Xuanwu is about to be awoken, should I proceed like the novel/show or put my own spin on it where Wei Wuxian, Jin Zixuan and Wen Chao get trapped instead? 


@Music_is_Hope, put your own spin on it. Just finished Swapped, great  story. I laughed from beginning to the end. I sincerely hope you consider expanding this. What a novel idea thank you for this delightful read. I'm looking forward to reading   more of your work!!!


@Music_is_Hope YESSSS!! Do this!!


Hi there. Enjoying your split into 2 story. However there are a couple o chapters missing. Are they left out on purpose? 


@Lilac_lil99 chapter 7. How they found and convinced xue yang to join them is missing. I went through the special chapters just in case it wasn't numbered but none delt with that part. It's not a biggie. I've read it all now. Still. How did they find xue yang heh


@Lilac_lil99 there shouldn't be no chapters missing? 


Brothers in Law question! 
          As we are coming at the part where Xuanwu is about to be awoken, should I proceed like the novel/show or put my own spin on it where Wei Wuxian, Jin Zixuan and Wen Chao get trapped instead? 


@Music_is_Hope, put your own spin on it. Just finished Swapped, great  story. I laughed from beginning to the end. I sincerely hope you consider expanding this. What a novel idea thank you for this delightful read. I'm looking forward to reading   more of your work!!!


@Music_is_Hope YESSSS!! Do this!!


Do you guys like Alchemy of Souls? 
          A part of me wants to try a new fandom to write a fanfiction in and I’m currently in love with that show 
          What do you guys think? Should I try writing a fanfic on Alchemy of Souls?


@Music_is_Hope, write the fanfic for Alchemy of Souls. Looking forward to the first chapter.


So, I had an idea, maybe risky but, I've been thinking...
          Split Into Two: Book 2?
          The development of Shengaui becoming a major clan, the romance of Dark, Light and WWX, Wei Yuan growing up... perhaps some interventions of the Jin Clan? 
          What do you guys think? Should I?


Do it, and expand your boundaries when writing.


What happened to the book 2?


            Cant wait


First things first, hello! I’m back! Well, ish. Depending on how school and work goes, I may be able to update more so yay! Hopefully… 
          Secondly, if you’ve been reading split into two for a while, you know how many people ask for smut, wellllll, I finally did it! It’s my first ever smut so will gladly take feedback though I doubt I’ll write another one, we’ll see…
          Thirdly, brothers in law, would you readers like me to keep the pattern of just having the three perspective (Wei Wuxian, Lan Xichen and Jin Zixuan) or only switch between which perspective would be relevant for that chapter (like have multiple Wei Wuxian’s in a row then maybe Jin Zixuan in one, if that makes sense?
          Fourth, I started a new series (if you hadn’t found it already) and would like to know if it’s worth it to keep going or focus on my other series? 
          That’s all for now! Happy belated new years everyone and stay safe! 


@Music_is_Hope may i know for brothers in law, can you give a hint who is Xichen's partner since we already have wangxian, xuanli and zhuiling