
How many of you are ForceBook Shippers?
          	And how many are JossGawin Shippers?
          	Anyone for GreatInn? 


@MyInvisibleButterfly i love forcebook but i have recently gotten into greatinn and both ships a amazing!


@MyInvisibleButterfly forcebook and my new fav greatinn shipper


How many of you are ForceBook Shippers?
          And how many are JossGawin Shippers?
          Anyone for GreatInn? 


@MyInvisibleButterfly i love forcebook but i have recently gotten into greatinn and both ships a amazing!


@MyInvisibleButterfly forcebook and my new fav greatinn shipper


Hi Wings,
          I have an update that might not meet your expectations.
          It's frustrating when I attempt to complete stories that have lost their spark, only to be met with a complete lack of inspiration.
          I struggle to recall the initial thought or idea that sparked my imagination. Furthermore, the number of unfinished stories is incredibly confusing and hampers my ability to focus on any particular piece.
          I'm feeling a little let down by my lack of new content that matches my usual standards.
          So, I've been thinking about stopping the incomplete stories. I prefer to write more frequently and focus on creating new stories.
          I take full responsibility for not finishing the books I started. I was more upset than I could have imagined when I lost some loved ones. It dawned on me that I was having difficulty portraying a sense of well-being when, in reality, I was far from it. I deeply apologize for my current lack of enthusiasm, and I want to express my sincere regret to all of you.
          I intend to take the unfinished stories offline and maintain them as drafts, with the goal of ultimately providing them with a satisfying end.
          Leaving my stories unfinished but published can be quite nerve-wracking, as readers eagerly await updates and often inquire about them. That will again make me anxious.
          I can't wait to dive into my latest story, Magnet's Blood Crown, and pour all my energy into it until it's finished. This is also my way of reigniting the writer within me and getting back into the business.
          I apologize for disappointing you once again. However, I am fully committed to conquering this writer's block and getting back to my usual writing routine.
          I would greatly appreciate your support on this.


@MyInvisibleButterfly Your well-being should always be your priority, and I'm glad you take your breaks for self-care. I deeply admire your art in writing, and although Wedding Bells was wonderful, it's completely understandable that you stop something if you weren't comfortable with its direction. I believe taking that time to take care of yourself and rest is essential. Your creativity is an inspiration to many, and although I love your OhmNanon stories, I'm sure any new storyline you decide to explore will be just as captivating. We cherish your creative journey.


@MyInvisibleButterfly this is the same thing I am going through lately I can totally understand you phi. 


@MyInvisibleButterfly I respect your decision as well. I can see how leaving them up may cause you distress and i don't want that to be a source of stress or discomfort for you. I hope everything is okay for you 


Hii sis 
          If you don't mind can you listen my request   
          If you know about "yeh un dino ki bath hai"series can you write it in a bl version about ohmnanon 
          Maybe in omegaverse ..
          It's just I thought about it and I felt like you can write it down with exact emotions ..❤️


Hey there, Wings!
          Looks like I dropped the ball by not having a handy-dandy outline for Wedding Bells and Tick Tock. I know. Oopsies.
          And then, in the midst of it all, I decided to take a nice, long break. And now, I totally blanked on what I was originally gonna do with these two. Really, really, sorry about that!
          I'm just having a blast brainstorming all sorts of wild ways to wrap up these stories. The ideas are flowing like a river!
          But I'm still not happy. So folks! I've got a little favor to ask. Mind lending me a hand?
          I need your creative genius! I'm looking for some hilarious and clever ideas to finish up these two stories. Let your imagination run wild and give me your best suggestions. How would you like to witness the story conclusion?
          Well, of course, a happy ending is the clear winner. But what I'm aiming for is to narrate a delightful conclusion while making sure it stays a fun read till the end.
          If you're feeling a bit shy about sharing your ideas in the feed, no worries! Just slide into my DM on Instagram (link in my profile info) and we can chat privately. Easy-peasy!
          So, can you lend me a hand? Thanks a bunch in advance! Sure thing, I'll make sure to give you a shoutout.
          Please, guys, I could really use your assistance!


@MyInvisibleButterfly and some beautiful romance scenes too.


@MyInvisibleButterfly I just wanted nanon to know how much ohm loved him since beginning. And nanon to understand that ohm just tried to keep nanon with him but ohm doesn't know how to express his feelings.  Ohm should do something if nanon's parents tried to use him again. I hate them. 
            Whatever author your ending are beautiful than ours. 


@MyInvisibleButterfly aww thank you for considering this one ❤I have always loved your work, keep on shining⭐✨


hi author, I recently read your all stories and love especially the Ohmnanon one .My favourite ship broke up I want another drama together but it is not possible for now. but because of you, I can at least imagine them together in the story.
          if you don't mind I have a story idea about Ohmnanon.the thing is I don't have enough imagination to write a full-length story so can you please read the idea and think of writing a whole story over this plot It's just a request.
          here is the plot-
          a story about big mnc rich businessman's son Nanon who is sweet, childish, lovely with his family but strong, savage and intelligent with others .his family loves him so much and he is the next hier o f his fathers business with his brother who is very protective of him. But befor getting hired he insists on gaining experience from outside and becoming capable of handling things. He insists on keeping his identity secret so no one would take advantage of him After this he gets a job in one of the biggest companies in Thailand whose CEO is young and handsome ohm. Still, he has a devilish demeanour he is cold. Everyone is scared of him .he is currently the ceo of his father's company .but his life changes when nanon get the job of his assistant .ohm is shocked because the younger man is not scared of him and is even savage with him. spending time together he started falling in love with nanon .nanon also can't stop himself from falling love with him after seeing his sweet and caring side. ohm is very possessive and obsessed with Nanon He gets jealous easily and can do anything for him. Although all office workers love Nanon some of them get jealous of him and label him as Golddigger but when his truth comes out all get shocked.
          you can add any side characters and make it mature, but please take it in consideration.


@MyInvisibleButterfly I am so grateful that you read my post. let me tell you, all your works are mindblowing, I will wait for it and till then I will read your other stories.


@kirtna Hi there. Thank you for writing to me. And a big THANK YOU for appreciating my hard work. I hope to keep you entertained in future as well. :-) ❤️
            I like the idea. I can surely cook up something from this.
            But it may take some time to get started on. Because I already have a few things lined up.
            Hope you don't mind. ):)


          Thanks, thanks and a big thanks my Wings!!! ❤️❤️❤️
          This really means a lot.
          My Wings, my Wattpad family is growing day by day and it's so overwhelming that even if I keep saying it over and over it is never enough. THANK YOU ALL. ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
          I am busy but I am trying. I know updates are slow but believe me I am trying. And seeing that you guys are strongly by my side, is a big motivation. Thank you and lets continue to be together on this ride.
          I will get better with updates in a while. I am working on it. Just a bit more patience.


@MyInvisibleButterfly Congratulations P' ♥️ \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/


Take your time dii❤️ and thanks for your updates (be it fast or slow) Your notifications make my day!


@MyInvisibleButterfly we can wait. Take your time, prioritize your health and happiness please, and just know you deserve all the love and praise for your work. 


Hi author I just wanna say something like can't dew and nani be couple in billionaire prostitute
          Cause many people ship them and to be sure they looks good together tho(dew as top and nani as bottom)


@Bladdictedhumen Did you chat with me on Insta about the same thing? I guess yes, right? I am thinking of something on this. I'll keep you posted. Thank you for reaching out to me. :-)


Hii phi.....I just wanted to ask you about this for a very long time, but was a little hesitant. Can u please write a special chapter for jinxed, I love your fics so much and jinxed is just SO SPECIAL to me...I was waiting for it's part 2 desparately but u dropped the plan suddenly and i understand it, but can i please get a special chapter phi, i still unable to move on from this fic. So if it's possible i request u to consider my request  lots of love, I'm loving the ongoing ones too 


@zoyasomani you're so sweet and talented phi. I'm looking forward to read it. Thankyou so much for your reply. Lot's of love ❤️


@zoyasomani Oh my god! You won't believe it. I have this in my mind since ages. I will for sure write one. I am working on it. :-)
            XOXO ♥️♥️


My dear Wings,
          Someone urged me to create an Instagram page for updates and connection. So here it is.
          Instagram Account:
          P.S. I have just started. So there are no posts. But I will be posting soon. Also, I am bad at SNS. So please teach me. :-P ;-)
          And for those who don't know there is also a Youtube Channel for which the link is
          Let's stay connected for updates ;-)