
Hero OC Ask!
          	Greetings and salutations! 
          	I shan't keep you long my friends. I just wanted to let you know that Hero's OC ask deadline is going to be in one week (April 23). If you have anything you want to ask our friendly neighborhood Hero, send me a message or comment down below. 
          	Thank you all for your amazing support and for all of the love you've shown these characters. It astounds me every time ^.^ 
          	Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


Have you always had a interest in investing or was this a thing that happened as you got older also has Rey showed off his inventions to you and which is your favorite


Heh there I am loving your “my borrower son” story and am just wondering if you will be posting the audio version to YouTube.


            Hello my friend! I actually will be posting an audiobook version of My Borrowed Son on my YouTube channel. I'm trying something new and trying to make some of the music tracks myself as well as commissioning pieces from a musician friend of mine. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them! 
            Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


Hero OC Ask!
          Greetings and salutations! 
          I shan't keep you long my friends. I just wanted to let you know that Hero's OC ask deadline is going to be in one week (April 23). If you have anything you want to ask our friendly neighborhood Hero, send me a message or comment down below. 
          Thank you all for your amazing support and for all of the love you've shown these characters. It astounds me every time ^.^ 
          Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


Have you always had a interest in investing or was this a thing that happened as you got older also has Rey showed off his inventions to you and which is your favorite


Hey there tall, small, and in the walls! 
          Just posting a fun update here. If you've been enjoying My Borrowed Son, then this post is for you. 
          Over on my Tumblr page, I created a sub page specifically for Parker, which is meant for interactions, questions, post submissions, and his own thoughts and ideas. 
          If you'd like to participate, let me know and follow the link below: 

          Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


Hey there tall, small, and in the walls!
          It's official! Hero is up next for the OC Ask saga. 
          If you have any questions for our friendly neighborhood Borrower, comment down below or message me directly on any of my social media platforms. 
          Thank you all so much for your love and support and I can't wait to see your questions for Hero. 
          Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


@Narrans To Hero, I'd like to ask him of his opinion of Ashlynn. I know she interacts with Soren and his family far more than with Hero, but if they got one on one time where it was just the two of them, what would they discuss?


Greetings and salutations tall, small, and in the walls! 
          This is just a friendly reminder that the CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS for The Orion's Factotum characters is about to come to an end. If you are interested in participating in this project, please DM me ^.^ 
          To those who have submitted their auditions/lines, thank you all so much! I am absolutely blown away by the support and love this project has received. I cannot wait for you all to listen to the final product. 
          If you have any questions, please let me know and I will get back to you as soon as possible. 
          Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


Who would you want to hold the next OC Ask for?
          One Shot Troupe?
          Fill in…
          No more OC Ask
          Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


@Narrans I'd like to know more about either Shay or Todd.


I’d like to know more about Shay


Greetings and salutations tall, small, and in the walls! 
          After the recent poll for the next audiobook, there has been a TIE between The Orion’s Factotum and Moving Through Life. Now, because there was a tie, I have chosen to start with Moving Through Life BECAUSE I NEED YOUR HELP! 
          I want to do something fun and special involving the g/t community for The Orion’s Factotum…
          I am having a CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS. 
          Anyone who would like to volunteer to record some lines for some of the many characters in The Orion’s Factotum should privately message me so I can send them the link to the divided up lines so we can begin. 
          I can’t tell you how much this community means to me and how excited and nervous I am to try something this crazy. Thank you all so much as always. You don’t know how much your comments mean to me. 
          Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


Hey there tall, small, and in the walls!
          Here I am again asking for your assistance. I am coming to a close for my audiobook collection of Everyone Needs A Little Hero and A Tall and Small Collection S2.
          My question is what audio book would you be interested in hearing next and would you like weekly updates two days a week for the same story, or two stories once a week?
          Thank you all so much for all you all do for the community. Truly, I couldn’t ask for a better community to be a part of. I am blessed and thankful for each and every one of you. 
          Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!
          Vote by commenting below: 
          Moving Through Life
          The Orion's Factotum
          Wizard of the Wood
          One Shots Collection
          More gaming


Moving through life please!!!!! 