
Happy holidays people, I hope whatever you celebrate, if you do, goes well and that you enjoy this time with family and friends. 
          	With the new year fast approaching, has anyone made any resolutions? Mine is to work on being kinder to myself and to become better at being independent. 


@AwgawinFiresnap I bet you will accomplish that and more speed demon :chaos:


@NgoziGardenia Mine is to fully finish TLA, and hopefully a rewrite. : D


Happy holidays people, I hope whatever you celebrate, if you do, goes well and that you enjoy this time with family and friends. 
          With the new year fast approaching, has anyone made any resolutions? Mine is to work on being kinder to myself and to become better at being independent. 


@AwgawinFiresnap I bet you will accomplish that and more speed demon :chaos:


@NgoziGardenia Mine is to fully finish TLA, and hopefully a rewrite. : D


Guess what peoples? 
          Nano is approaching, and like the people I am, I’m going to start a new project for it and ignore all my other projects. I totally haven’t already been doing this nooooo. 
          Here’s a teaser with the title and blurb of the new story: 
          TILL DEATH 
          Happy wife means happy life, but if only it were that simple. Rory and Jamie have been secretly married for years. The romance was electric and their love for each other unyielding. A feud that goes back generations threatens to tear them apart as Jamie’s father declares war on Rory’s kindred. With bloodshed in the future, will Rory and Jamie be able to prove that love conquers all? Or will they be split apart, forced to stand with a knife to the throat of the woman they love?
           #Paranormal #Drama #Fae #Werewolf #Sapphic 
          Coming to wattpad November 2022


Sorry for the spam posting lol
          I’ve been debating putting the sci-fi series back up here since it’s a terrible first draft that the second will likely not resemble enough even if Wattpad does decide to pull some weird sh**. Will be working on reposting the second tomorrow, however, I’m going to be editing all the unedited chapters because they are disasters ‍♀️