
Welp I'm done with life. All of my chokers have been drenched in lemon juice, also my first edition yellow cheeked pikachu pokemon card thats extremely expensive. 


@NightcoreDamsel nooooo I'm so sorry omg :( maybe check a thrift or second hand store for new chokers??? There are cheap ones on Amazon too I'm so sorry for u :( and maybe for the Pikachu card check online and see if anyone can repair it. This sucks


@_aufgegeben_ I've washed the chokers and had to bin the card. It's just hoping the metal doesn't rust and the material doesn't fade now 


@NightcoreDamsel oh noooooo, praying for the best outcome of this situation and as little destruction as possible  


Welp I'm done with life. All of my chokers have been drenched in lemon juice, also my first edition yellow cheeked pikachu pokemon card thats extremely expensive. 


@NightcoreDamsel nooooo I'm so sorry omg :( maybe check a thrift or second hand store for new chokers??? There are cheap ones on Amazon too I'm so sorry for u :( and maybe for the Pikachu card check online and see if anyone can repair it. This sucks


@_aufgegeben_ I've washed the chokers and had to bin the card. It's just hoping the metal doesn't rust and the material doesn't fade now 


@NightcoreDamsel oh noooooo, praying for the best outcome of this situation and as little destruction as possible  


When I do eventually return to writing (hopefully this month) I'd like to take on the ambitious project of rewriting Sonic Underground except add characters like Amy, Shadow, Rouge, Sally, Etc. into the mix. I'm unsure if I should and would love your guys' feedback :)


@ThatFanOfManyFandoms only have the motivation for it because I've found a one-shot of the characters meeting up in that universe in my drafts. I'm thinking of releasing it but it needs a small amount of work.


I'm sorry to say but I'm afraid that there will be no updates to books for a few weeks and I will be almost entirely inactive. I've been incredibly burnt out for the last few days and have had a lot happen in my personal life with the added stress of exams and I just can't deal with everything alongside this. I'm really sorry but my personal life is bleeding into my willingness to write and I feel like the quality is just worsening. I will hopefully be back soon, but with the state of things I wouldn't be suprised if you don't hear from me for a month or so. Once again, I'm truely sorry.


@NightcoreDamsel oh god, that's horrible, hope it gets better also, I will wait for you to update and stay a reader, no matter what✨


@Dark_RoseXD  tysm it's honestly hard to take breaks in my experience because i often get lower reads after the fact and it's always disappointing given how long i spend on them. ty for the reassurance :)


@_aufgegeben_ Thank you :) so far my exams have been okay but ive been making silly mistakes due to stress and having to quickly redo entire essays or equations


Hey there!


Well I do care, I know how it feels to be stuck in a bad place just takes time and I hope you get well. 


@Catsrule2Forever ty for asking btw I've been in a bad place recently and knowing someone cares has helped :)


@JazWritesFics The way I want things to go if I do add a relationship is moreso the romance is just a side thing slowly building up as the pair work together but when it's revealed that one of them could possibly be involved in the mystery, there's a fall out which makes the detective sloppily look over clues and ignore things while they wallow which would eventually lead to them accidentally uncovering something big


Don't look too far into this,
          But if I were to create a 1940's detective noir style sonic thing would you like ships to be a small side thing/have certain ships relate to the plot or just focus entirely on the mystery aspect. Asking for a friend 


@NightcoreDamsel I think some side ships or kind of "filler chapters" could be nice, but the main focus should definitely be the mystery. I also think   JazWritesFics' idea could be very interesting


@BlueHearts079 tysm!!! I'll try to keep that in mind :)


@NightcoreDamsel I think both are cool ideas and I think ships should be important but the mystery is the most important part! If u decide to write it, I know u will do a great job :)