
New completed story just published! Go read!


Hey don’t want to sound annoying or anything but I was wondering when you might be updating the scythe of Kronos?


Totally not annoyed dw! Atm it’s kinda just a story I’m updating whenever I have time. Could be next week, could be in a few months. As sad as it is, writing isn’t my top priority anymore 
            Definitely still going to finish it though!


Heyyy, idk if you’re active anymore, but are you still writing The Scythe of Kronos or is it discontinued?


@umm0lly Thank the GODS. I just finished it and I was abt to ask that


Hi :)
            Still active, just suuuuper busy with life lol
            I’m definitely going to keep writing it, but I’m not exactly sure when that’ll be.
            For now it’s on a temporary hiatus of sorts :)


I have a very important question for all you White Collar fans.
          Is Neal a Hermes or Aphrodite kid?
          'Cuz he practically already has charmspeak and cares deeply for fashion, but he's also a VERY talented thief. 
          What do you think?
          Oh, and if you aren't a White Collar fan, you should go watch it. Like right now. Disney Plus :)


Why is it that every time I go on my laptop to start writing a chapter, I get distracted by memes? Every. Time.
          Anyway... for people who follow my PJO+HP story, I'll be posting the next chapter soon! I never realized I had a busy life until I had literally no time to write anything.


Hi hello my name is Yoshi and I will like the book that you didn't with Merlin and twin brother you only did two parts can you please do more cuz I love it


Thank you so much! I am trying to figure out how to continue it, and will hopefully keep writing the story, as well as my other ones. School is starting up again and it will get a bit busy but I will do my best to update. Thanks again, I appreciate your nice review.