
Three more chapters of Abbernathy and Magick's End have been posted. Enjoy!


A few updates: 
          I will be taking down MOST of my original fiction soon (by the end of the month probably). This includes Wonder Made, Everything Included, and Gods Under the Dome. I will leave my short stories and fanfiction up. I will also be removing ALL of Abbernathy's story from the website - this includes Cat Kingdom, The Two Kings, and Magick's End. However, I won't remove them UNTIL Abbernathy and Magick's End is COMPLETE. I want all of Abbernathy's fans and everyone who has stuck with her journey (and mine) to be able to experience how it all ends. Speaking of, I've been updating Magick's End this past week, so if you want to catch up on Abby's journey (which involves a very long-awaited reunion) maybe check out those chapters. 
          As for my future on Wattpad? I'll stay around, mostly updating my HP second-gen fanfic - Magic's Heir (check that out if you like HP fanfic with sweet friendships and romance, no spice).  Everything else is being removed because I want to revise and redraft and start getting those manuscripts polished enough to be submitted to agents. I feel like I've gone as far as I can on Wattpad and am looking forward to seeing what awaits me in the world beyond the big, orange W. 
          - Octavia


@OctaviaLocke September is grand. I'll keep it in mind. ^^


@CaptainSarcastic101 I'm thinking by the fall (September - November), but that depends wholly on when I get it finished. I want to leave it up a month after it's completed to give people time to read through it all in one go (or since it took me years to write each installment, for people to read from the first book). Regardless, Abby won't be removed until later this year. I wish I could give you something more concrete, but I'm a slow writer and don't have a great track record sticking to my own schedule. If the schedule changes, and I finish the story earlier (and plan on taking it down earlier) I'll make sure to announce it so readers can know in advance.


@caralena True. That's definitely always going to be an option. I figured I would try submitting to agents first and see how that goes, but if nothing comes from it, self-publishing is there. :)))


With ONC round two open, here's a question: Would anyone participating in the ONC be interested in doing a beta read swap? Ideally, I would like to beta read another ONC completed work, but I'm open to doing partially completed stories. I'm looking for an in-depth critique that can help me in the revision stage and would gladly return the favor for someone else seeking the same. PM me if you'd be interested and we can discuss the details. : )


@DomiSotto Pacing mostly (especially in the back half), any inconsistencies in the narrative, phrases/sentences that break immersion/cause confusion, etc. Also, if the narration, as told in some chapters by a waaaaay younger protagonist and then, in others again by that same protagonist but thousands of years later, reads as distinct.


@OctaviaLocke definitely any confusing passages and any shifts in tonality/mood that take you out of the flow/breaks immersion. I am happy with the overall plot, but would like to eventually smooth it up. What would you like me to focus on?


@DomiSotto That actually works perfectly! I'll get started on your story this weekend then so that when Dragon's Dogma 2 drops, I'll have freed up some time to play it. :) Is there anything you are looking for specifically in terms of your story? Or just general first impressions, thoughts on pacing, dialogue, characters, where (and if) something gets a little confusing, etc?


In the Pursuit of Death is FINISHED!!! ONC destroyed! Over 20,000 words written in a month and I'm not hating the end result. If you were waiting to read more of Eris's story, now's the time to do so! Binge it if you want! I'm going to relax, play a little otome, catch up on other ONC entries and then begin the editing process. :)


@OctaviaLocke yes that is exactly what I'm doing! I've been doing a bit of writing but not much, instead focusing on reading. I do have about 11,000 words though for the novella although the changes may alter that. That is a good idea, though! I might work on something that doesn't have a deadline attached to it too. That might help! Thank you :D
            I've come to the realization that I do need to do some actual planning for some of my stories, and I think that's what's stopping me (I'm a pantser through and through xD). And from what I've read of your story, your process helped make a wonderful story!! 


@jusdubs Thank you! :) And yeah, take a step back from your story, take a step back from writing, writing something else, and maybe in doing so, you'll inspire a new direction for your story. For me, while writing In the Pursuit of Death, I came close to stalling while writing one of the chapters because my instinct was to start that chapter with sentence fragments (because I wanted both the language and imagery to come across quite jarring and a little discombobulating for readers) and I was like I can't do that. So I wrote, several different beginnings and nothing felt right until I went back and wrote it the way I initially envisioned it. And sure, it might not work well, and I could end up changing it in the future but it definitely helped me overcome that hurdle and continue on. So I'm sure you'll figure it out. You've got plenty of time, and it's such a great story as is. I hope you can make it be what you envision it being! :) <33


Whelp, In The Pursuit of Death reached over 200 reads, already! Just want to give a big thank you to everyone who's reading this very raw first draft and is giving it their love and support! Being a part of ONC this year has definitely helped me with my writing. The struggle is still there, the imposter syndrome is real, and I have to fight with myself not to hate every word I write down, but I am remembering how fun it can be plotting out a new story, writing new characters, and letting yourself enjoy what you write and not worry about editing and revising.  I'm remembering how nice it is just getting something down, and how exciting it is when I stumble across a sentence that I think is good, like make-it-to-the-final-product good. 
          ONC is great. There are a TON of great, creative entries this year. A lot of great writers participating. And hands down, the ONC community is THE BEST. <3333
          Oh, by the way, just posted another chapter of ITPOD (yes, already too lazy to type out the whole title):
          Much love, 