
Slowly reworking TLCS to put it up on Kerning. Right now there isn't a way to put in the pictures or playlists, but I'm also moving around the chapters a bit. In the meantime, what is everyone on WP up to on this first day of May ?(screams internally)


Here I am, the ghost in the machine❤ - it is April and how are you? Signs of spring in your neighborhood? I've been enjoying the first few cherry blossoms myself. How is everyone's writing going?


@OneWinterNight it’s gone, on Monday I had a surge of inspiration :)


@AnnamitaMuscaria Thank you! How is the writer's block?


@OneWinterNight I’m sending you strength, it will get better, just take it days by days. 


Thanks for following and adding Glass Pomegranate to your list! ^.^


@TheQueenofGremlins Ofc^^ I take forever to get around to things but I'll get there eventually❤


@OneWinterNight that's ok :) take your time!


I FINALLY MANAGED TO POST A CHAPTER OF SURCOAT AGAIN! If you have read, are thinking about reading, or have even given Surcoat a look thank you. But I especially want to thank @MermaidAriel13 for reading this book. I haven't made it to all of your comments but the fact that you've been reading it touches me and really means a lot. You are awesome❤
          Anyhow, check out the (long) chapter here, and see what happens when Melora puts herself and all of her plans in serious jeopardy:


Only one week left in February and I'm . . . still not ready for 2024 xd. Anyone else?
          ❤How was February for your writing? I managed to write a lot but it's all still really rough.
          ❤How about reading? Did anyone find a new book to love (on or off WP)?


@OneWinterNight I feel that! Many of mine are also like that, but those drafts are usually the ones I write at night that's why I tend to do that less XD 
            Whoo! That's a great accomplishment. It honestly does feels amazing getting something done after a long time lol 


@Silver_Writings Sorry lol. Yeah, time gives me anxiety these days XD.
            ❤Congratulations for getting your ONC out! That's so hard. I've never managed to do it. I'm a fast writer, but most of what I write is tangled garbage that needs heavy edits to make sense to anyone else
            ❤I haven't had much time to read either. I've just been reading for contests and reading webtoons! But I just managed to post an edited chapter for the first time since fall 2023 so I'm proud of myself XD


@OneWinterNight ahhh don't talk about it =⁠_⁠= I feel times going real fast and my sister says this year is going slower than last year, like seriously lol 
            ❤️Well I managed to get my ONC out ad that's all that relieves me haha. But tbh I get as much writing done as I had planned to 
            ❤️Oh boy, I haven't been doing a lot of reading, idk why but I can't get my focus into these past few days... What about you? 


I don't write romance, per se, but I have given it a whirl as a side plot when my characters decided to get in my way. Do you write romance? Why or why not? 
          ❤If you are writing a not-just-friends pairing, do you have any songs that remind you of your wanna be couple?
          ❤If you are writing a platonic relationship, what kind of relationship is it? Friends, battle-bros, mentor and mentee, let me know!
          ❤❤❤In honor of the season, here are five songs that summarize the current status of my *not-couple* Mads and Luc from "The Last Coffee Shop" and whatever sequels happen:  
          ❤Damn Regret - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
          ❤Yes - The Rose feat. James Reid
          ❤Make This Better - Phangs and Kellin Quinn
          ❤Hold Me Like a Grudge - Fall Out Boy
          ❤Elephant Love Medley (Musical Version) - Aaron Tveit, Karen Olivo, Original Broadway Cast of Moulin Rouge the Musical


@craftychicken Despite not really reading romance and basically never writing it, I have a lot of respect for serious romance authors who can keep people interested in the main couple. Like you said, there's no mystery that the two people will fall in love, so the author really has to be at the top of their game to keep you hooked on the interactions❤❤


@Silver_WritingsI generally write platonic relationships myself because that's what I'm most interested in.
            So your characters are old friends, or they just knew each other before? I know a lot of people can write that sort of thing well, for sure, but I don't think I could XD


@Mariya_Evans Scan the song lyrics though❤


❤❤❤ Somehow missed the fact that "The Last Coffee Shop" has over 4,000 years now. I'm astonished and so touched that even a few readers decided to give my little oddball of a low-scifi story a read. If you're one of those readers, I appreciate you so much❤❤❤
          Also - as an update on book 2 - I am almost done with my first draft, and . . . I think there might be a book 3. This has become a monster


@Carlos_G_Peralta That seems like a logical change, for sure!


@OneWinterNight It's a rollercoaster! Plus, I'm doing some re-writes. Big one is that no switching out batteries for his phone. Something inside him charges the phone


@Carlos_G_Peralta Hah, work always has me hostage these days, so I get it! I also need to get back to "Kronos." I was pretty far and I need to know how it ends XD. But such is life❤ I feel like I have to read and/or write in seasons.


Finally I read The original "Adventures of Melora and Orlando" and it was actually amazing!!
          Melora Pendragon is truly an arthurian type of "girl power" ❤️❤️


@OneWinterNight  Great!! ❤️❤️
            I already seen Melora as the next Queen of Red Hall ✨✨


@JoMarch97 I love the way you put that. Arthurian type "girl power" is something I definitely love as well. Getting back to putting up chapters of "Knight" is something I plan to do in the next month for sure❤