
Are you good


@OrangeJuice457 After hearing all this from him Cecile and the others were all tearing up as he keeps tell them all that happened. After John was done they noticed that John looked like he wanted to cry he told them he hasn't cried ever since he left the readjustment facility, so they all do thing that are close to make John burst into tears. Seeing that John was close to crying out his pain, Cecile seeing it was 10:00pm decided to take John to her bed and cuddling him to sleep, and Cecile's warm embrace was the finale push that John needed as all the pain he has bottle up came to the surface as he buried his head in Cecile's breasts and cries out everything that he had suffered from, and this pull everyone's heart strings as spend the night in Cecile's dorm. They decided that they'll show headmaster Vaughn what happened to John and tell him why this happened in the morning when John and Cecile both wake up.
            So the question is, will Cecile and the others help bring back the happiness that John lost? Will they be able to protect him from Keon and the readjustment classes? And will John be able to accept Cecile and the others as member's of his family? Well find out as you read it.
            I hope you like it and if you do please let me know that you will be happy to make it and thank you for reading all of this.


@OrangeJuice457 After the flashback end, we see John walk to his next class, but then sera and the others splashed a bucket of water on him in front of the student in the hallway cause them all to laugh, but after a few seconds they stopped laughing at had a horrified look on their faces. Wondering why the students stop laughing, Sera and the others looked at John and what they saw gave them the exact horrified look on their faces when they see John face covered in scars and bruises.
            John looked at his reflection in the window and saw that his makeup came off. Due to this John remembered Keon telling him that he'll kill him if anyone finds out, and after remember John got so scared he turned into a 10 year old kid right in front of everyone in the hallway. John looked back at Seraphina and the others with a traumatized look on his face then runs away as fast as possible while sera and the others chased him to see why he has scars on his face but to also see what he is hiding from them.
            John accidentally run into Cecile Dorm room know it was the only room unlocked. Cecile and the other cornered him, but before they can ask him anything they had to calm him down knowing fully well that his is right now traumatized. After a while they finally managed to calm 10 year old John down and all were ready to ask questions. They all asked why he lies and why he has so many scars and bruises, John knows well that he can't escape them so he told them everything about his past, his ability, the readjustment classes, the drug that turns him into a kid, and the threat Keon said to him after the readjustment classes.


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@OrangeJuice457 hey I'm new here and  read you Remi x John and I liked it.
            I actually have an idea for you, it's called "We'll be your family from now on (John x Cecile)."
            So in this AU, the story begins with a flashback of the readjustment classes
            Keon was more brutal twords John when he was in the readjustment classes he still used his memories against him but not only did he do that but Keon also use him as a punching bag leaving a lot for scar's and bruises on his arms and torso, and not only that but Keon injected a drug inside of John that can turn him into a 10 year old kid and that drug merged with his ability and now became a part of him. And after the 3 months Keon threatens John telling him that if he tells anyone about what happened at the readjustment classes Keon will hunt him down a kill him.
            (Ok so to clear thing up with the drug, John can only stay as a 10 year old for 1 week only when he becomes scared and after the week is over John goes back to his normal age, and please keep in mind that when John turns into a kid he doesn't lose any of his memories of the present so he can still remember what happened before he turned into a kid, so again after the week is over he turns back to normal, but the next time he becomes scared he'll turn back into a kid, so for short every time he's scared he'll become a kid for a week, so it's an endless loop on when he only get really scared.)
            So after the readjustment classes, his dad makes Unordinary to help chear John up and like always it worked. But before John started his first day at wellston he put makeup on his face, arms, and torso because Keon will kill him if anyone finds out. Thing at wellston go the same with John posing as a cripple but he and Seraphina never became friends in fact sera along with Arlo, Elaine, Blyke, Remi, Isen, and Cecile hated him for being a cripple and often a lot bullied him for the entire year.


Yo I hope you keeping doing John x remi. I really love that story it helps me sleep at night 


@gokucbking good luck, I'll check it out when it's published


@gokucbking I understand I'm about to start a story of my on wish me luck 


@gokucbking Thanks, I am going to continue it it's just that school has been taking up most of my time right now


@OrangeJuice457, will you allow me to feature both your UnOrdinary fanfics as part of the Reborn Multiverse? I'll credit you if you allow me.


@Zoom9351, that's fine with me, go for it 