
esta mensagem pode ser ofensiva
Okay but seriously Stolas, I get you were unmedicated and you've been stressing about this for so long, but you gotta realize you've had this whole thought process and epiphany about your love for Blitzø, and Blitzø hasn't. 
          	Portaling him out? Cha cha real smooth
          	Yes Blitzø better apologize to Stolas, but I really want to hear most of the apologizing from Stolas and the talking from Blitzø. ~C O M M U N I C A T I O N~
          	"I have wanted you for so long, the fact that you couldn't believe that I might have these feelings for you, that your first instinct is that it's always... about sex... that's enough to know what this is..." 
          	Fucking excuse me?? Last I checked, YOU were the one who wanted this whole thing to be a sexy only thing between the two of you once a month for the book. 
          	So therefore you have to understand that, yes while Blitzø most likely does have feelings for you, he has become adapt to knowing that this was only for sex and the book. And you can't just assume how he feels based on how he reacts to things. When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me >:(
          	He doesn't have the same thought process as you, and you gotta give him time, and communicate to him, meaning let him give feedback on EVERYTHING you have to say, then go from there. 
          	I mean I'm gonna go down there myself and slap Stolas with a fish, and Blitzø with an eel if they don't fix this shit this month >:(


esta mensagem pode ser ofensiva
Okay but seriously Stolas, I get you were unmedicated and you've been stressing about this for so long, but you gotta realize you've had this whole thought process and epiphany about your love for Blitzø, and Blitzø hasn't. 
          Portaling him out? Cha cha real smooth
          Yes Blitzø better apologize to Stolas, but I really want to hear most of the apologizing from Stolas and the talking from Blitzø. ~C O M M U N I C A T I O N~
          "I have wanted you for so long, the fact that you couldn't believe that I might have these feelings for you, that your first instinct is that it's always... about sex... that's enough to know what this is..." 
          Fucking excuse me?? Last I checked, YOU were the one who wanted this whole thing to be a sexy only thing between the two of you once a month for the book. 
          So therefore you have to understand that, yes while Blitzø most likely does have feelings for you, he has become adapt to knowing that this was only for sex and the book. And you can't just assume how he feels based on how he reacts to things. When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me >:(
          He doesn't have the same thought process as you, and you gotta give him time, and communicate to him, meaning let him give feedback on EVERYTHING you have to say, then go from there. 
          I mean I'm gonna go down there myself and slap Stolas with a fish, and Blitzø with an eel if they don't fix this shit this month >:(


Blitz is either looking at Stolas like he's the most annoying creature in Hell or like he wants to drop to his knees and propose marriage


@Paytonkish Knowing Blitz, it's probably both!


I'm in love with their love, you know what I mean?


@Paytonkish Stolitz is toxic but too lovable to hate


@Paytonkish YES! I am in love with Stolitz's love! :')


It's pride month and I feel like making y'all feel validated and seen, so here's my yearly affection for ya guys :3
          The world may be backward and stubborn, but you can still find a world that loves and accepts you for exactly who you are, our community is living proof of that. And one day, when you're ready, you will find someone to love. It may take you a little longer than some people, and you may have to search a little harder, but I promise, there is someone for everyone (if that's what you're into)
          You couldn't be repulsive if you tried, and shame on anyone for making you feel that way.


@starsofthemorning I'm so glad you smiled from my little note! TYSM you are so amazing and kind Alexis, thank you! <3


I love listening to "That's What You Get" from Paramore and imagining Verosika and Stolas singing this on the "Blitzo sucks" stage while Blitz is watching. 
          I'm not okay, I'm so excited for Apology Tour (^∀^)


@starsofthemorning I'm so freaking excited for Apology tour :D


@Paytonkish ..... I am going to do the same and cry. We will all be crying till Apology Tour comes out.


*I also like listening to "Still Into you" and "All I Wanted" by Paramore while thinking of Stolitz :3