Mkay. So let's get this straight. I don't like people, but I'm also not one of those dumbasses that think I can live life alone. So if I like you, I like you, if I dont, fuck off. That's is.

See that nice ass picture up there? Yeah that's me.

No, I don't have fucking problems like the majority of people on this site.

I'm not an anon. I'm a normal junior in high school.

So fuck off if you're like 30. Cause I got 99 problems and you're not gonna be one.

Only talk to me if your able to keep up a conversation because I don't like talking to people that are boring.

Follow or pm if you want. Give me music suggestions. I'm always open for new music.

I dance and swim and I'm an artist. I like food too, in case you were wondering.

Kik is Karmasabitchxxx
  • Έγινε μέλοςJune 8, 2014
