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The next book that I'm going to be working on is The Hollow Adam x Male Reader book. It's currently called Frisson | Adam Love Story. 
          	For those of you that have never heard of it, The Hollow is a really cool Netflix original animated kid/teen show. It's a mystery, thriller, with some comedy and drama, with a gay, POC, male lead—there's two other leads as well, an asian girl and a white boy. They wake up in a concrete room with no memories and go on a crazy adventure to get home. There's two seasons and both of them are a lot of fun! 
          	Adam—the gay, POC, male lead—is the love interest for this upcoming book. Because Adam's gay, the reader is going to be written with he/him pronouns—he's also going to be a bit of a snarky asshole which will be fun to write and, hopefully, equally fun to read.
          	I'm currently halfway through the first draft of the first season, which is ten episodes total. This book is going to be more similar to The Anti-Villain than The Wicked Witch of the West, with PG-13 content instead of R/Mature.
          	Either way, I'll post updates here as I work on Frisson. Hope you guys are looking forward to it, because I know I am!


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The next book that I'm going to be working on is The Hollow Adam x Male Reader book. It's currently called Frisson | Adam Love Story. 
          For those of you that have never heard of it, The Hollow is a really cool Netflix original animated kid/teen show. It's a mystery, thriller, with some comedy and drama, with a gay, POC, male lead—there's two other leads as well, an asian girl and a white boy. They wake up in a concrete room with no memories and go on a crazy adventure to get home. There's two seasons and both of them are a lot of fun! 
          Adam—the gay, POC, male lead—is the love interest for this upcoming book. Because Adam's gay, the reader is going to be written with he/him pronouns—he's also going to be a bit of a snarky asshole which will be fun to write and, hopefully, equally fun to read.
          I'm currently halfway through the first draft of the first season, which is ten episodes total. This book is going to be more similar to The Anti-Villain than The Wicked Witch of the West, with PG-13 content instead of R/Mature.
          Either way, I'll post updates here as I work on Frisson. Hope you guys are looking forward to it, because I know I am!


The Wicked Witch of the West is now completed! At least until the next game comes out, which should be sometime this year. 
          I’ve also graduated from college, so I have a lot of time on my hands for awhile.
          Thank you everyone who read The Wicked Witch of the West, I’ll update you all on my next book soon—it’ll probably be of the PG-13 variety like The Anti-Villain.


The second chapter this week for The Wicked Witch of the West has been posted. There’s only seven more chapters left, so hopefully I can stay consistent even as finals approach. 
          I have realized that the last chapter of this book should come out a week after I graduate. It’s crazy that I’ve been posting this book for the entire semester.


@HamnahShahzad While I can’t speak for the artists of the fanart, you would have to ask each of them to use their work. It sounds like all you’d need to do is change the alias from Hypno to something else and it would be your original work, since the persona and backstory are different. Of course, you don’t have to. Honestly it’s amazing that you’re making a fanfic for my fanfic. I feel really honored. If you want to keep it that way though, I’d love to read it. You have my permission and I wish you the best of luck.


@Petparty123 over the previous year, I have grown to love this book so much to the point that I have this own version version of the story the Anti-Villain which involves your character Hypno with different a persona and backstory. I was wondering if you could give me permission to write this story involving Hypno? The story is just for fun and the all the idea and fan art credits will be given to you and the rightful artist where it is needed.


@HamnahShahzad I really don’t do requests, but I’ll hear you out.


Sorry for not posting a chapter last week for The Wicked Witch of the West. I was super busy and had no wifi. To make up for it I’m gonna post two chapter this weekend. The first one’s been published and I’ll post the other one some time tomorrow.


The rough draft for Teen Titans Vs Teen Titans Go! is done! Currently I’ve fit the entire movie into two 4,000 word chapters. I’m halfway through the current semester, so hopefully I’ll have some time soon to edit.


@MikoEclipse Ooh yay! I’d love to see it!


We’re now halfway through The Wicked Witch of the West! Subplots are being introduced, drama is heating up, and Reader’s having a crisis. Fun stuff! 
          Only 9 more chapters—and therefore 9 more weeks—before The Wicked Witch of the West is completed. At the end of the book I’ll be announcing my next fanfic and the plan for The Wolf Among Us 2.