
Happy Mothers Day to all the amazing mothers out there, I hope you all have amazing day and to those who aren’t mothers I hope you show love to your mommas <3


Happy 19th birthday to me!!!!!


Is it rude to say I’m still active on Wattpad but just don’t feel like publishing anything? Like idk I still write just not like I used to. I’m more consumed in art and working towards becoming a dental assistant, I just feel bad for always being on Wattpad just not writing fics, I’m just writing actual books now. Idk I’m yapping lol


My number got called for jury duty today. 
          Man I love being American but this is so annoying lol 


@YaMainWhore1 depends on how bad the trial is that your called into to serve for. Also your term is usually up to 3 months at a time, and I think they will excuse you for being pregnant, having small children, being the primary caretaker of someone or being the only source of income for a household. And like obviously if your out of the country during that time and so on. I was able to take a week off but that was pretty much it lol. 


@PianoArtist33 oh that's pretty cool, how lenient are they with excusing? Every time my mum got called in she was able to be excused because she is a teacher


@YaMainWhore1 it’s the same for the U.S to. I didn’t qualify to be excused even tho I could have probably found a way out lol. But if you do that you stay on the jury calling list longer so if you just serve your time as a jury you kind of get out of being picked again for a while. 


So I work front desk at a dentist office right and I decided to start making origami butterflies out of sticky notes and I give them to kids. Well this little girl came in kind of scared so I gave her a butterfly and she was smiling so big and confidently walked back with our hygienist to get her teeth cleaned. It was so cute and my heart melted


@PianoArtist33 I know that if I was a little kid like that, you would have made my day. 


@Emily_LokisOne omg stop this is so nice. I just like seeing kids happy especially when I had bad experiences at the dentist I don’t want it to be the same way for them 


@PianoArtist33 OMG stopppp, that is the cutest thing ever. You are an absolute angel, I hope good things come your way.


I’ve gone back to my roots which is me literally just writing Western Romances and depicting Medieval war scenes…
          Like not going to lie I missed writing Western stuff  it comes so naturally to me and it’s so easy to write for me rn
          Let me know if any of y’all want to read some western styled fics in the future