
          	Of Rust and Gold and Of Vipers and Saints are back but, as I'm sure you've noticed, aren't the old versions as I had to put them back up from scratch (bye-bye old comments + that's why it didn't show back up in any reading list).
          	I've put them back up and not OBS or any other story only so people who were in the middle of reading them can finish because they will be gone for good in June as per my agreement with Wattpad. 
          	After that? Well, I haven't decided yet. I've made plans to do some renovating and possibly publishing the series myself but at the moment I have not considered another foster/online home for them or any of my other work that will not be coming back to Wattpad. I'm sure this isn't what everyone wants to hear but when my profile was clear and TNC was taken down I panicked. It was heartbreaking to see all my hard work and interactions with my readers disappear, but in the passing days and during the back-and-forth emails I realized that after the initial sadness, I just felt numb and that maybe this was a sign to move on. 
          	I will continue writing and sharing stories in some capacity and at this time The Night Court will be staying a little longer than its older brothers, but certainly, no new content will be posted to Wattpad in the future.  If you have further questions or concerns, please let me know! I have other social media and a discord for one of my newer wips so I will not be hard to contact in the future.
          	Thank you for your continued support and understanding.


@Mattman908 I really hope so too


@Poindexter well.....damn.  I hope you find a suitable platform for your stories.


I usually value jokes the most!


          Of Rust and Gold and Of Vipers and Saints are back but, as I'm sure you've noticed, aren't the old versions as I had to put them back up from scratch (bye-bye old comments + that's why it didn't show back up in any reading list).
          I've put them back up and not OBS or any other story only so people who were in the middle of reading them can finish because they will be gone for good in June as per my agreement with Wattpad. 
          After that? Well, I haven't decided yet. I've made plans to do some renovating and possibly publishing the series myself but at the moment I have not considered another foster/online home for them or any of my other work that will not be coming back to Wattpad. I'm sure this isn't what everyone wants to hear but when my profile was clear and TNC was taken down I panicked. It was heartbreaking to see all my hard work and interactions with my readers disappear, but in the passing days and during the back-and-forth emails I realized that after the initial sadness, I just felt numb and that maybe this was a sign to move on. 
          I will continue writing and sharing stories in some capacity and at this time The Night Court will be staying a little longer than its older brothers, but certainly, no new content will be posted to Wattpad in the future.  If you have further questions or concerns, please let me know! I have other social media and a discord for one of my newer wips so I will not be hard to contact in the future.
          Thank you for your continued support and understanding.


@Mattman908 I really hope so too


@Poindexter well.....damn.  I hope you find a suitable platform for your stories.


I usually value jokes the most!


Because of what wattpad has been doing have you thought of self publishing on amazon or posting on patreon (i believe patreon can also have free tiers if you wanted to go that route)? So many people have been losing stories and I would hate for more stories to be lost. 


I haven’t made a decision yet. Moving offsite is hard because I don’t know if anyone would be interested! But I’ll let you all know soon 


Ik it might come out as exaggeration but for a fact whenever I open Wattpad it's mainly to come to your books and it's kind off baffling to not find it here, hope you can drop the books soon. I really enjoy your work thanks for the hardwork.


Thank you. I’m waiting for wattpad to email me again and I’m keeping you guys as updated on the situation as I am 




@Tyub6322 I completely understand and I’m so sorry this is happening 


@Poindexter its just this was such a good book and it got me so excited to read each time i opened wattpad :(


@Tyub6322 I understand this is incredibly frustrating but I am unable to do that. Hopefully WP can reimburse you 


Heyy just wanted to say that I love you works sooo much! Sadly I don't have wattpad premium or I'd finish the night court but from what I've read I'm baffled!! Keep it up! I know it's not my place to say but for what it's worth I'm proud that you've put so much work into each and every story and had the courage to share them with the world ❤️


Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me 


So, I'm sure you've noticed that Wattpad has restored The Night Court. We've been in communication, and while I understand this was a mistake and my story was never meant to be flagged, I have decided to keep my other things offline for the time being while we sort this out. Thank you for your support and understanding.


@yukishan777 it’s currently still down until I communicate further with WP 


All my stories are gone,
          Wattpad has decided I violate content guidelines and they have done so randomly in the middle of a working contract I had with them. As I am now out money and years worth of my time and audience growth, devastated doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. I've spent over ten years on this site and while it's not exactly how I remember, the memories and my connection to my readers have kept me in place. 
          If you wish to see what I'm up to you can check out my tumblr: https://alistonjdrake.tumblr.com/ 
          There you'll also find any relevant links to any of my active social media.


@JuliaLundstrom I can confirm google docs just isn’t the same. 


@Poindexter I totally understand! Just wanted to let you know there are places out there where this sort of information is often shared, and community is still fostered.


@Poindexter I joined a smaller server I feel comfortable in and people like to read each others’ works so I still get comments and it’s lovely but if my books are taken down that’s gonna change anyway. I can post them on google docs for people to read but it won’t be the same