
I'm truly saddened by the passing of Andy Rouke. The Smiths are meaningful to me and each member of the band as well has given bits of happiness through their music, so knowing this is the first Smith gone it's truly terrible. Rest well, Andy. Thank you so much for everything. 


I'm truly saddened by the passing of Andy Rouke. The Smiths are meaningful to me and each member of the band as well has given bits of happiness through their music, so knowing this is the first Smith gone it's truly terrible. Rest well, Andy. Thank you so much for everything. 


Oh gosh, it has been so long since I last logged in and it feels so weird to re-read it all lol
          For the sake of good ol' times and for nostalgia purposes, I'll try to fix the grammar mistakes in the stories and also to give them a proper cover, which I didn't do back then. Play The Game and Wicked Game already have a new cover! Also, the little Marrissey story "Stop Me" also has one ;u;


"If I hesitate, they will know I’m lying. And if they know it… it will be the end of us. All of us who had been involved in this game. 
          John. My dear Johnny. 
          Freddie. Darling Freddie. 
          Roger. My beloved brother. 
          Brian. My one and only lover, whose life is on the verge. The one I love the most. The one I would protect with my very own life if needed. The one I love and I can lose in a matter of seconds."
          A bit of what's to come in the next chapter of Wicked Game (Play The Game sequel)!
          Probably I will update every Saturday... (i hope!)


Que Noel Gallagher te cante en la ficción :3 No es de Yisus xD @TaylorPagey eres increíble!


@TaylorPagey no es de Yisus que se queme haciéndome flan! xD Ni Mozza lo hace :'v Bueno, él me ayuda con las tareas 7u7


@PrettyLittleProfiler Jajajajaja xD Te ama ewe Y te escribió She Is Love ewe 