
Updated Espoir again and concluded the first part of the story! Go check it out for a short author's note at the end as well <3


Assignments are killing me. That's why I'm gone. Haven't been sleeping more than five hours a day for the past few weeks, so I couldn't check Wattpad. Will be back as soon as I can get back my life lol that might be end of April for awhile and then end of May. So sad I can't write tbh since I just got back into the habit of writing in Feb *sighs* see you then, you all lovelies <3


@wiltedwildflowers No problem! I really enjoyed it!


@PurpleCielo1117 no problem, I'm glad you're back! And thank you as well for reading my poetry, it means a lot :)


Chapter 16 is up for Memories!!
          There's about 6 to 8 chapters left to the ending so stay tuned! I promise to finish it this year! Next up I'll be writing a chapter for Espoir. Expect an update before the end of January. I can only produce about 1 or 2 chapter in a month. I'm sorry for the slowness but I'm not a fast writer ;-;
          A late happy new year btw!