
Hi guys! I just updated 2 stories - The Rules of Espionage and One Thousand Paces. Check them out if you'd like. Thanks!!


Will you ever finish the mobsters girl? Or bring back the older version? Please 


@QueenMorgan Thanks so much! I’ve enjoyed reading your work. 


@Cb0234947 Hi! I wanted to let you know that this story is now uploaded on Wattpad! The copyright had expired on Dreame so they removed it. Let me know if you have any trouble accessing it on here!


Hi @QueenMorgan …great story so far too bad I only found it in 2021. I wasn’t able to find the completed version on Dreame or the other site you linked. Is there any other way I can read the original or do you plan to finish the one uploaded here? You have me hooked on the story with only reading 5 chapters… 


Hi I know I’m hardly every on here anymore/not writing much at all, but just wanted to drop in and say hi and thank you for following me!!
          Today’s the TEN YEAR anniversary of me being on this site with this profile and I’m so glad to be here, as I’ve met so many great people over the years! Whether you’ve been here for all 10 years, or you’re a new follower, THANK YOU for taking an interest in what I do!
          It’s still crazy to think that I made this page when I was 15, and have managed to keep it up and running up until now. 
          I hope you’re all safe and healthy, and hope to be back writing soon.
          Morgan xx


Hi, I came back to re read the mobsters girl and noticed it changed. Is there anyway we can read the previous version? Also just wanted to know if you stopped uploading the newest version? 


@QueenMorgan also I’m so glad to see you’re still active, so many people have stopped writing on wattpad from when I joined it’s nice to see a familiar face x


@QueenMorgan Even if I was to purchase a copy? I love re reading books no matter how terrible they are, it’s the nostalgic feeling. I’m sure it wasn’t terrible in the first place for me to remember it! I read about 3 books a day when I was younger but I still remember loving your book.  Also take your time, there’s no rush x 


Hi! Unfortunately, I’m unable to upload the old version at this time. Also it’s terrible, so I’m shocked you want to read the old version!! Lol.
            I haven’t updated the newest version, as life and my job got in the way, but I’m hoping to upload again soon now that I have more time. 
            Thank you for your message!!!


Hi, I updated the app and to my absolute HORROR, I've noticed your book "The Traitor's Daughter" is missing. It was a wonderful book and I (along with countless others no doubt) was enjoying it immensely. Could you please me know when it might be accessible again / WHY it's gone? 
          Kind regards, 


Hi Amira!! I was wondering why I wasn’t seeing you in my notifications anymore! I promise I didn’t delete The Traitor’s Daughter! It should still be on my page. Let me try to respond to one of your comments and see if that’ll tag you in a notification and maybe you’ll be able to access it again? I’m SO sorry!!!


Idk why the "why" at the end is capitalised, I'm not a psycho I swear. Would delete and rewrite this all tbh but I'm too tired and heartbroken. 


Hi! I've recently started reading your Traitor's Daughter book (and you're a great author btw!). and I was wondering if there were any good historical fiction books on Wattpad you would reccomend? I've been looking for some recently! 
          Anyways, you're a great writer and I love your work :P :3 ♡


Please add the other parts in the mobsters girl. I have read the whole version of it before and I loved it. So please put the other parts in it


I can’t post the rest on Wattpad unfortunately, because I have a signed agreement with FicFun. You can find the rest of the chapters on their website. I think there’s a link in the comments of the final chapter uploaded into Wattpad!