
Altered Reality: new short story, written to support @ChallengeCorner and all the great people who work to keep the sci-fi content buzzing on this site. Thanks for all your enthusiasm, dedication, and hard work. 


Good luck to everyone diving into the ONC this year! 


@RJGlynn Thank you! Those pesky writing mojos... :)
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@elveloy Would love to! Unfortunately, my writing mojo’s been on life support for a while, so I thought it a bit foolish to dive in, despite really wanting to. Will use the good vibes of the ONC session to progress on Reaper (drafting final chapters). All the best for your ONC entry. I look forward to reading those first chapters!
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@RJGlynn Are you writing an entry this year?
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Thanks to all the new, recent readers of my space opera Aberrant. I thought this story had drifted quietly away into the Wattpad void, so thanks for finding it and giving it a go. FYI, if you’re interested in a 1-part origin story, my short story The Swirl is a mini prequel. As for the planned sequel, finishing my dark fantasy Reaper is my current priority, but you’ve all inspired me to dive back into Jinx and Kaplan’s story as soon as I can. Thanks so much for the inspirational rev up. It’s appreciated. :)


@RJGlynn That's a great new years resolution! I am second guessing having my students read the book because I have to get my book orders approved by a committee... So I'm asking my principal for permission and (if I get permission) then I'll ask the parents for permission to send the book home with their kids. I'm getting a lot done on it already this month! It is so much fun to write. Anyways, thanks so much for reading!
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@ACSutliff NY resolution: catch up on my reading! All the best for your NaNoWriMo project. Nice to have all those student readers ready and willing to give feedback. Great experience for them, learning about the creative process. :D
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@RJGlynn hey! Thanks for coming back to my book. I’m surprised you returned so quickly! I am busy trying to finish my NaNoWriMo book right now so I can publish ARCs to give to my students in my library to read and critique. I want to get it to them before the school year ends. 
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FYI to those who don’t mind stories with a bit of gore and goop: new short story - Alien Requiem - added to my Ripples in Space-Time collection: https://www.wattpad.com/1383386678-ripples-in-space-time-short-stories-alien-requiem
          This oozy tale of old regrets and second chances was written for a sci-fi horror issue of the e-magazine Tevun Krus. Check out the issue if you enjoy the darker, creepier side of sci-fi.


Return to Eden: New short story added to my Ripples in Space-Time collection:
          This alien-world, action/horror sci-fi tale was written for an animal SF issue of the e-magazine Tevun Krus and for a quirky anthology inspired by feathered critters, curated by @wuckster: https://www.wattpad.com/story/336340183-tevun-krus-112-animal-sf https://www.wattpad.com/story/307575711-99-stories-about-chickens-an-anthology