
Hi all! Thank you for following - and for those of you who would like a FREE copy of I DARE YOU it will be free this weekend (8-9th December) on Amazon Australia and USA. Please head to my website for more details: https://www.rachaelmorganauthor.com.au/blog/a-christmas-give-away-for-everyone


Hi! Thank you for reading the first chapters of I Dare You and I hope you liked it! I just wanted to let you know my publisher is holding a **COMPETITION** on Instagram to win a signed paperback and a tote bag. 
          If you're interested, head to Instagram and follow @dandelionpresspublishing and @rachaelmorganauthor 
          Tell us (on Dandelion Press' page) who your favourite chick lit author and book is. EASY! Entries close 8pm Sunday 15th July 2018 AEST. Open Worldwide!
          GOOD LUCK!


Hi all, thank you for reading I Dare You - for those of you who are interested, the eBook and paperback are becoming available for purchase. You can also check it out on goodreads!


hello just wondering if you could check out my latest book  "love gets you through anything" and give me your thoughts on it would mean a lot please and thank you.


@SpecialWilson6 I am sorry for the delay in my response and I really appreciate you asking. I usually would have a read and give feedback but unfortunately this is a very busy time for me. If I can in the near future I will definitely let you know. I used to be a teacher and helped students a lot with this sort of thing - in and out of school. Have you got someone in your life like a teacher or another person that you'd be comfortable sharing your work with? Alternatively, there are writers clubs and meetups help critique one another. It'd be a great start! All the best!


Apologies to all those writing to me and asking questions etc.. I really appreciate it!! I am rehearsing a new play and moving house so that's taking priority right now I'm afraid. When all the hype dies down very soon I will get a wriggle on responding. Thanks for your patience and take care. Rx