
Does anyone still ship H2OVanoss? I have a few one-shots and even stories in mind but I don’t know if everyone still likes it. And, I’m gonna try to update the other books. I say this all the time but I’m brain dead .-.  


will u ever update soulmate??????


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Technically speaking, none of the ships were ever “banded” in the first place. Adam and Ty still record rarely, Seto finally came back, Jerome and Mitch still record rather frequently... Tyler is on Twitch now I think... and Brice and Jason have real lives, lol.
            To be fair though, and it’s been awhile since I’ve written anything either but, all of my story ideas are forming out of purely random inspiration and have nothing to do with the MCYT’s... I don’t even watch anyone but Jerome really and only his ACE channel which isn’t MC. Nonetheless I still write TC, the Pack, SkyMedia, etc. wherever I wanna cause who the people are IRL doesn’t matter in the slightest. At this point they’re hollow characters that I can make whatever the fuck I wanna and no one can complain. So, if you look at the book that way...


If I can ever get back into it. All of the ships within the book have disbanded so it’s really hard to get some ideas... I’m trying! I really am and I’m hoping that I can get the book finished by the end of the year. Lol 


Hi everyone! I want to give out a few little examples of books I am working on but idk if I should. I want to finish the books I have put but idk what to do with them. I have made a book though that I am very proud of which is called "Mixed Moons" and it's an H2OVanoss books with other ships. Should I let out a few books for y'all to read the prologue and then decide for me to work on a book, or do you want me to just try my best with these books and not post anything until then? Please message me on here if Direct because I really wanna know what y'all think❤️ please and thank you!